Chapter 13

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Çąņ ýąłľ ğüýş şţöp!!!!

Location: 2 days remain

Date: and times going by fast....

Ben said that he would see me later because he wanted to help Sarah.

I mean it's fine with me, besides I have Alex now!

I turn to the white haired Link. Let me add, he's trying to climb a tree.

Alex reaches for a branch and falls, I snicker at him.

"Hahaha, so funny..." He grumbled.

"It is." I wheeze out.

He gave me a death stare, I gave one back trying not to laugh. Alex starts forming a smile. I start smiling, we both start laughing.

Once the laughter went silent, Alexes face we serous.

"So the kid that haunted my nightmares is here?" I knew quickly he was talking about Ben.

"Yup, he is." His face was filled with worry.

"Don't worry Alex I'll make sure he doesn't get you." His face formed a smile when I said that.

"Alright I trust you." I smile.

"Well Alex just wanted to inform you that the moon will crash in 2 days." I say, immediately I'm filled with worry and scaryness.

"Can't Sarah stop this?"

"Yeah she said she has a plan, but she doesn't know if it will work."


It goes quite for a little until Ben appears infron of us. Quickly Alex clings1 to me.

I giggle at him then turn to Ben.



Ben then noticed Alex and teleported next to him.

"Well look who it is! How you doing Alex?"

Alex turns his head to the ground and let's go of me.

"Good..." Alex mumbled.

"Oh that's good. What about you Y/N!"

I smile at him, "I'm doing alright. How about you?"

He appears next to me and answers, "good."

"Thats good."

I could see the tension between Alex and Ben. They we're both looking at each other (well Ben has to).

I roll my eyes and scrunch my nose.

"So we gonna just stare at each other, times ticking!!!"

Alex turns to me and sighs.

"Your right..."

I smile a plan building in my head.

"Ok I'm gonna go hang with Rosa! Yall to better get along when I get back!" I say.

Alex grumbles a fine.

I turn on my heel and head to Rosa.

Ben's pov:

I watch Y/N head down the hill leaving me with him.

Alex turns to my and sighs.

"Yeah heard her...."

"Yup." I say.

He looks at me and I look back.

"Sooooooooo, what do we do?"

"I guess we just hang out? We could tell each other our interests." I say.

Alex shakes his head upward.

Alex sits down under the tree me next to him.

"So how long have you known Y/N?" Alex asked.

I think for a little then answered. "Since we were in 2nd grade."

Alex shakes his head.

"What happened to that green haired person?" Alex asked.

"BEN? He got exiled."

Alex mumbles an ok.

"What was it like before you died?"

-Time skip 💃🏻
Y/Ns pov:

I skip up the hill, humming my favorite song. I hear voices coming up from the hill and laughter.

I smile. They finally got along!

Once I make my way up the hill, I see Alex laughing on his back.

I jog up the hill. Alex looks at me and smiles.

"Good to know yall got along." I say.

"I guess we did huh?" Ben said.

"Yeah we did." Alex said.

"Thats good to hear! What were yall laughing about?" I ask.

"The time you got stuck on the roof." Ben said calmly.

I blush remembering that time.


"See you tomorrow Y/N!" Ben said while opening his bedroom window.

"You too!" I say.

I climb out from the window, and Ben closes it. I wave and he waves back.

I sigh and look down. Then I got nervous, did I mention that Ben lives in a practical mansion? (It says it in the Jadusables Wikipedia.)

I gulp and go to the ladder to get down. I put one step on the ladder, and it falls. I quickly climb back up.

I look at Ben's window and go to knock on it. Ben looks to the window, and walks up to it.

He tried opening it, but it wouldn't budge. He looks at me and goes to grab a notebook, and pencil. He writes something and holds it up to the window.

'I'll get my mom,' it sayed.

I nod and he runs off.

Let's say it took a while for me to get down. And Ben and I got grounded.

"Yeah funny..." I mumble.

"You should have saw her face! It was priceless." Ben sayed..

I could've punched him right then and there.

I hear running coming from behind me. I turn and see a clad in green.

"Guys....guys." Sarah said.


"So, do yall know the 4th day glitch?"

"No." I say.

"Yes." Ben and Alex said.

"Well that's how we stop this. And I don't know what will happen. I just wanted to tell you guys." Sarah says.

I frown knowing the end is coming near.

What will happen....

Sarah smiles then frowns. She looks at the ground and heads down the hill.

Twilight casts down upon us glistening glowing brightly.

I look at the ground.

"I'm sure we're gonna be fine...."

"Yeah," I mumble.

I'm sure it will right? It has to...

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I'll make sure the next one is long. Yknow my version of long... Anyways have a good day or rest!

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