Chapter 10

946 12 16

Wēłçømë §ąřàh țō ţhę ęñţëřñīţý přøjęçţ...

Date: ?‽?‽?‽?‽

Location:ajoaMr sMak

I don't know if it's just me, but all the NPCs has been acting weird. They acted like real humans! Like they are stuck here too...

So I decided that I'm going to talk to one! The one that comes to my sight first. Besides Ben.

I watch as a girl with brown hair,a white dress with yellow and blue on it come in view. Well it's Malon!

"Excuse me! Are you new?" Oh my why did I act like this is school.

"How did you know?" She asked.

Wait a minute that's not one of her dialogs!

"Well its just the NPCs have been acting weird lately so I just yknow....but are there more of yall?"

She looked at me with her blue eyes. "I don't really know. But I do know about my brother Matt!" I nod my head.

"Who's that?" She asked pointing behind me.

I turn to see Ben. "Thats Ben he's been here longer than me."

She looks at him and smiles. Then she looks at me with the same look.

"Well then Ben and...."


"Well Ben and Y/N, my names Rosa!"

I smile at her.

"Nice to meet you Rosa!" I turn to Ben with the 'say hi to her' look.

"Nice to meet you..." I smile and turn back to Rosa.

"Feel free to look around."

"Thanks Bye!" She said then ran off.

"Well look more people!" I said turning back to my friend.

"Yay?" He says.

"Yes yay! Anyways cmon let's go see who else is here!"


-Time skip brought by a lazy author!

"Is that all of them?" I ask Ben.

"Nope Link."

"Duh! If I were a wild Link where would I be?"

"In front of us."

I quickly look in front of me, and see Link coming out of one of the buildings. I smile and run to Link.

"Wait!" Link turns around to look at me.

"Are you like the others? Like have a soul stuck in here?"

Link looks at me questioning, then understands. He nods his head.

"Uh could I get your name?" I ask.

"Sarah." They said quickly.

I stop and turn quickly.

"Are you...Sarah Lawman?"

Link looks at me surprised then nods.

I smile and jump on Link.

"Sarah! It's me, Y/N!"

Sarah smiled and gave me a big hug.

"Wait, Sarah I know who would be happy to see you!"

I step back and run back to Ben.

"Ben follow me! Just trust me alright?!"


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