Welcome to Camp Green Lake

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       So, where do I start? I guess I should probably start with my name, my name is Lillian Cosgrove. I have an older brother and an older sister. My parents are pretty much absent. My father's always out doing who knows what, I think he's just out, cheating on my mom.. Ah who am I kidding? He's so cheating on my mom. Aaaand my mom? Well, she tends to pick up the bottle at home pretty frequently as a result. My siblings and I don't particularly get along so much, mainly my sister and I. My brother left home a few years ago, so I don't even talk to him. My sister on the other hand.. I wish I didn't have to talk to her. I try to ignore her and instead find myself getting into trouble, a lot. Given most of my actions are provoked by others, such as my sister and her friends but I'll admit, it's not always the case. Sometimes I just do it for fun I guess. Gotta do something to keep me busy, right? How I haven't ended up dead or in jail sooner though is beyond me, though, that winning streak maaay be over. Trouble finally caught up with me, and now I find myself in quite a bit of trouble, a little too much trouble. Too much, to be ignored. I say this, as I stand before the judge, my cheapazz lawyer beside me and what few people showed up to watch the case sat behind me. There were more random people than my actual family. 

"Lillian Cosgrove, after much deliberation, I hereby find you, guilty on these accounts. Arson, petty theft and psychical assault. Where as I should be sending you to an all girls correctional facility, I am unable to as of yet due to full capacity. As much as it pains me to give you an option, I give you one of the following two. Jail or Camp Green Lake." I stared at the judge, not bothering to consult my useless lawyer.
"What's Green Lake?" I asked carelessly.
"Camp Green Lake is an all boys troubled youth facility. They help build character in troubled youth such as yourself." An all boys? I cringed at the thought of being sent to an all boys camp but honestly the thought of an jail sounded worse. I can handle a bunch of boys more than I could real criminals.
"I guess I choose the camp then." I replied reluctantly as the lawyer started packing up his papers. I side glanced, hands still cuffed in front of me.
"So be it. I hereby sentence you, Lillian Cosgrove, to 24 months at Camp Green Lake. You will be brought immediately, and you will wait in a holding cell until the bus comes. Court dismissed!" The judge yelled out slamming his gavel on the table with little interest. I glared at him as he walked away, not bothering with this case anymore. I stood there waiting for the cop to drag me away, side eyeing him as he towered over me, pulling me away from the table with little care.
"Later, Lilly." My older sister mocked, using her wretched pet name for me. I growled under my breath, turning around from the cop before he could react and flipped her off with one of my cuffed hands. The cop grabbed my shoulder roughly, shoving me forward and brought me to the holding cell the judge had mentioned as I heard my sister's laugh echo behind me.
"Do you handle all women like this?" I asked sarcastically.
"I don't see no women, just some little punk." He shot back at me. I chuckled at the rude comment and sat there leaning against the wall of the cell, ignoring the other kid sitting beside me questioningly.

       I glared at the cop as some other kid and I sat on the speeding bus as it brought us to the camp. The cop sat there, holding his gun in front of him almost showing it off gloriously, glaring right back at me, neither of us saying a word. I glanced behind him seeing the vast deserted wasteland.
"I still don't see why I'm cuffed and he's not." The cop continued his glare before smiling.
"Cause, I don't like you." He replied with full, but dull attitude. I grinned at him and turned back to the other kid.
"Guess you got a secret admirer." He looked between the cop and I not really sure how to react.
"Keep your damn mouth shut." I smirked again to myself and turned to watch the outside world instead of having my glare off with the cop. I watched as nothing but dirt passed us for miles before eventually, I started to see some holes scattered all around the ground. What's up with all the holes? I thought weirdly, watching as the holes became more frequent the further we went. I noticed some boys in orange jumpsuits in some of them, just digging. A lot of them looked up at the bus as we sped by, obviously curious about the new arrivals. Soon enough the bus started to slow down and made its way into a big camp compound. I watched as a bunch of boys stopped what they were doing and turned to the bus watching as we pulled up into camp completely. Finally coming to a stop. The bus's tires squealing lowly.
"Great, this should be fun." I mumbled to myself, already not liking the place. I stood before the bus came to a complete stop, causing the cop to snap his gaze at me.
"Can I help you?" I asked as he shot up from his seat in reaction. He grabbed my cuffed hands and shoved me to the front of the bus. I stopped abruptly from the action and from the pull of the bus as it came to its full stop.
"You wait for instructions!" I looked at the cop with an eye roll and waited for the bus door to open. The cop got the other kid, ushering him along, while the driver waited before opening the door to the bus.
"~Any day now." I sung out. The doors opened soon enough and I took a step down the stairs before being shoved the rest of the way out. I ignored the boys standing in front of me and stomped a foot out to catch myself. I whipped around sneering at the cop.
"Watch it!" I snapped. He left the other kids side, getting in my face, towering over me once more while giving me a look of warning. I bared my teeth at him, trying to restrain myself from continuing this any further.

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