Neanderthal to Caveman

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        We woke up early the next morning and did our normal things. Got our shovels and tortillas and started for the digging site. I hummed under my breath walking with X-Ray and Zigzag beside me, the others behind us. We made it to the site, each of us picking a spot. I of course made my way by Zigzag, and X-Ray off to the side of me, the others scattered near by. I started shoveling, the others quiet for the most part for a while, till we saw the water truck make it's way towards us. The others stopped, throwing their shovels down. I huffed throwing mine and my gloves down. I wiped my forehead pulling my jumpsuit open and wrapped it around my waist. I took my hair down from it pony tail before putting it up into a more secured one this time. I leaned against the side of the hole as the others just lounged around waiting for the truck. I leaned back further and looked up at the sky, no birds or even a cloud in sight. Someone walked over me before leaning into view. Zigzag stared wide eyed before putting a hand out for me. I pushed myself forward, turning around and took his hand letting him pull me up out of the hole.

"Thanks, could have made it though, it's usually when I'm done digging that I have a harder time getting out." I joked. He smiled and started drinking from his water looking out as the truck got closer. I started lining up with the others as the truck pulled up and Pendanski got out, starting to fill the bottles.
"Fill the waters, grab a snack, keep the line moving." He instructed. I filled my water, grabbing an apple and walked off taking a bite. The others sat or stood about eating their lunch as Stanley finished digging something and walked out of his hole, holding something.
"Found something." X-Ray looked up at this suddenly getting the attention from the others as he started walking up to Stanley and Pendanski.
"It's a fossil. You see that?"
"Well, it's interesting."
"Do i get a day off?"
"That's what Mr Sir said. He said that , uh, if I found something interesting, I get the day off." The others had crowded by at this point, me being nosy started walking up behind the others to see the fossil.
"Stanley, the Warden isn't interested in fossils." Pendanski gave it back walking back to get in the truck.
"let me see that." Squid ordered taking the fossil from him.
"What is it?" Magnet asked.
"Man see that? Look at the little fishies. Aww" Armpit sung out. The others stopped and gave him a look.
"I mean, you now, it look like those cave pictures man." He covered. The others groaned unimpressed and started to turn back, Squid tossing the fossil back to Stanley.
"Fossil I tell you what, I think Stanley belongs in a cave man."
"I told you he was a Neanderthal the first time I saw him.' I went to walk away but was almost knocked over as one of the others turned around. I caught myself looking up seeing Zigzag looking down at me.
"Why you always standing behind me?"
"Fine I'll stand behind Magnet from now on." I joked, not really knowing how I always ended up near him. Yeah sometimes I deliberately end up closer, but others it just happens.
"Hey hey! She does like me." Magnet joked this time throwing a arm around my shoulder. I turned to him, unable to hide my smile.
"Man you wish." The others laughed at Magnet's face of defeat as we continued to go back to digging. Or at least I thought we had, I looked over seeing X-Ray tower over Stanley until he finally turned around realizing so.
"That was some lame crap you pulled." Stanley looked up confused as X-Ray crouched down in front of him.
"Look man, if you ever find anything, give it to me, you understand? I've been here for over six months and never found anything. No one has. Why should you get a day off when you just got here? You know what I'm saying? It's only fair. Right?" I looked at the others, seeing most of them digging, Zigzag who had been listening just as I had turned to me before going back to shoveling.
"That's what I call an informed decision dawg." X-Ray praised, giving him a small pat on the check.

       I walked into the rec room, looking at all the guys that were scattered around the room. I didn't notice my tent mates that were in the corner watching t.v, well fighting over the t.v. I stopped walking, standing off to the side watching as two boys fought over the ball to the makeshift bowling set they had. I turned my head seeing Stanley walk into the room now as well, making his way through the room. He was suddenly shoved back by some guy, fighting with another, causing him to fall into some guy's lap. Well this can't end good. I thought knowing the other guys of this camp liked making things difficult for Stanley.

"Watch it!" He pushed Stanley back, causing Stanley to look back at him sharply.
"You watch it man." The guy suddenly brought his leg up kicking Stanley forward harshly.
"What you say to me?!" I quickly made my way closer before things escalated. Everyone in the room stopped turning towards the scene.
"Sorry man, I didn't mean .. I didn't mean to hit you." He tried getting up, slipping off the stool he was leaning on and into the guy he was fighting with. They wrestled for a second as I made my way between them now and tried pushing them back and away from each other, seeing that Squid and Zigzag had started to do the same thing. X-Ray stepped up as everyone around us got closer.
"Hey chill man, okay man, alright? Look we start a fight now the Warden will come down hard on all of us." X-Ray tried. The guy looked at Stanley with hate before he eyed everyone close by before his eyes fell on me.
"The hell are you even doing here?!" He snapped at me.
"Dude I wasn't even apart of this!" I yelled at him, quick to react. He took a step at me and I glared at him not backing down in the slightest as I felt myself step forward to meet his challenge.
"Ay, ay! Dude let's just chill man." The guy got in my face glaring harder when I felt someone suddenly pull me back and stepped in front of me. I looked up seeing Zigzag had pulled me behind and stepped up to the guy, almost daring him to make a move. They stared at each other for a bit longer before the guy turned around.
"Just keep them punks away from me!" He yelled back. I growled and turned around harshly as Zigzag put a hand lightly on the back of my shoulder leading me towards the others who had all made their way to huddle around a pool table.
"Just stay away from him, he's crazy alright?" I looked at him and put my head down. I can't believe Zigzag just did that.. Why would he pull me back like that, he should know I can handle myself by now right?
"Thanks.." I said quietly walking to the side of the pool table. Seriously why would Zigzag do that?! I can handle myself. I felt my face get hot from being flustered. I don't need him to protect me! Why couldn't one of the others defend me at least why did HE do it?! Ahh I feel like such a chick right now! I ignored the others, thudding my head down on the pool table in frustration.
"Did you see the Caveman back there?"
"No I don't wanna mess with anybody." There was a whistle sound in the distance and everyone started to leave to go to the mess hall.
"Hey Red you good?" I looked up seeing the others turn back and look at me. I avoided most of their eyes and nodded my head.
"Hey her face is red again." Squid taunted.
"Ay don't tell me you liked the guy Caveman fought?" I glared at Magnet and walked off leaving the others behind.
"Oooo you made her mad bro." The others teased and followed behind while quickly snickering.

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