Eat The Cookie

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          We seemed to be more productive after our little concert from earlier. We all kept humming our new song as we continued digging. Zigzag.. oh my God, can that boy sing! I kept thinking about him singing over and over, not being able to get it out of my head. I can't believe he started singing just because I said I missed music. Oh, don't be ridiculous, the other's missed music too. It's not just you.. I frowned at this. You really need to stop getting so worked up over the boy, it ain't ever gonna happen. I heard the others stopped, looking up seeing the water truck make it's way towards us. Oh, thank god! I'm dying of thirst! I thought as I looked down at my empty bottle. I stuck my shovel in the ground walking to the group of boys as they stood around waiting for the truck to make it's way to us. Soon enough Mr Sir pulled up, getting out of the truck and proceeding to fill the bottles. I stood behind Magnet, Caveman and Zero behind me. Finally it was my turn, Mr Sir glaring up at me.

"You two's thirsty" He asked. I looked behind me seeing Caveman standing next to me, slightly behind me still. We nodded and he nods back. He reached for our bottles, holding them in front of the spout and turned on the water. The water flowed to the ground, not even a single drop making it into the bottles. We watched as the water continued to flow before he turned off the water. He stared at us for a second before shoving the bottles back to us.
"There. That should hold yas." I glared at him for a long second, walking back to my hole as the others stared at me for a moment in silence.
"Yo, that ain't right."
"Red, you good?" I ignored them, picking up my shovel and started digging, ignoring the thirst I was feeling. Instead I assaulted the earth, stabbing and shoveled away angrily. I finally heard the truck drive off.
"Red." I looked up from shoveling, seeing Zigzag leaning against the side of his hole towards mine, holding out his water bottle for me. I shook my head at him, going back to digging.
"I'm not taking your water. You need it." I could almost feel him roll his eyes at me and jumped out of his hole and made his way towards me.
"You're so stubborn." He said as he grabbed my bottle off the ground. I tried reaching for it before he could but he was quickly then I was. I tried reaching for it but he kept turning around.
"Would ya stop it?" I looked at him shocked for a second.
"What?! You stop it. Give me back my water bottle." I gasped defensively. 
"Just take the damn water!" He yells out, trying to keep me from reaching the bottle more so by holding it high .. high in the air. I felt my brows twitch at this, him using his height against me.
"I don't want your water!" I pouted.
"You'll take the water and like it!" He yelled back this time.
"Man.. Look at them over there.." X-Ray mumbled. Feeling as though all of them were just standing there watching us bicker over the water entertainingly... who am I kidding of course they were.
"Fighting over water." Squid jokes, saying 'water' in a mocking tone.
"Yeah, man. They should just both admit they want the water already." Armpit says.
"Wait, are we still talking about the water..?" Magnet asks then. Zigzag and I stop for a second before turning to them bluntly.
"No, no. Do carry on." X-Ray say, gesturing to the two of us. I felt Zigzag rip the bottle from my grasp and held it above him again, this time getting at an angle that was hard for me to even remotely reach.
"That's not fair!" He starts pouring some of his water into mine, trying to lean away from me every time I reached for it.
"Would you stop- You're gonna make me spill it all." I pouted, not wanting him to spill all of the water, leaving him with none also. He finished, giving me about half of his water. He finally pulls his arms back, twisting his cap before doing the same to mine, holding it out to me. I looked at him pouting, narrowing my eyes at him.
"Why would you do that?" 
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because!.. I don't know why!" I huffed out taking the water from him. I glared down at the ground, feeling slightly red faced.
"And thank you!" I grumbled, still pouting. I heard the others mumbling to each other but couldn't make it out this time. I felt Zigzag place a hand on my head, ruffling my hair a bit. I looked up seeing him smiling at me.
"Go drink the damn water, Red." He grinned more. I felt my brow twitch and pulled my head away from him and turned around, dropping down into my hole.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't tell me what to do, mom." I joked, turning back smiling at him as I leaned against the other side of the hole. Facing the others now. He smirked at me as we turned back to the others who had suddenly gone quiet. The four of them stood there, leaning against their holes watching us with big creepy smiles on their faces.
"The hell you guys smiling so weird for?"
"The hell is your guys' issues?" Zigzag and I looked back at each other real quick before looking back at the others. They started shaking their heads, looking down, grabbing their shovels.
"Nothing, nothing."
"Maybe they'll get it eventually."
"Kids'll learn one day."
"So blind." I tilted my head at the boys, before shaking my head and went back to work.

They call her, Red || ZigzagWhere stories live. Discover now