I Found You

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             We soon enough made it back to the cabin. We had dinner after the event from earlier. We stayed and hung out in the rain for a whiiile. Sad that our friends had left, but also happy for them. Also happy that the three had been arrested.
"Man, I can't believe his name was Marion!"
"At least they finally got what was comin' to 'em."
"Hope Caveman and Zero are okay out in the real world. We ain't there to protect them." I laughed at them.
"Man, only one givin' them trouble, was you bunch." I sighed playfully.
"True, true. But can you really picture Caveman out there in the real world?" I pictured it for a minute before cringing at the sight.
"Good thing he has Zero there to protect him." I joked back.
"Ain't that the truth." Zigzag mumbled defeatedly.
"I wonder what they're doing right now." Armpit wondered.
"Man, probably sleeping." We laughed at the joke, since it was pretty late.
"I can't believe we get to go home. It that even allowed?" I sat up from the bed looking over at Squid.
"I mean they said all we had to do was see real councilors. As long as we all go, and actually go, we.. we get to go home." I shrugged.
"Man.. We get to go home." I frowned from my cot, looking down at the floor.
"What's wrong, Red?"
"Worried 'bout your sister?"
"No.. kinda, just-..  Thinking about my living situation."
"Oh that.. What ya gonna do?"
"Man, my moms always drunk and my father never comes home. Can just crash on our couch." Squid jokes bitterly. I frowned at him.
"We should just get our moms together then." I joke back. He looks over at me with a look.
"Your mom drink too?" I nodded.
"Yep. She drinks all day while my fathers out alll night."
"Small world." We shared empathetic looks for a moment.
"We could.." I looked at Zigzag who started, before stopping. Looking like he was thinking.
"Yo, what's up Zig?"
"To early to elope don't ya think." I smiled, turning red as the others laughed at X's joke. Zigzag gives a sarcastic smile.
"Nah, I was just thinking.. Why don't we all get a place? Those of us that need to get out of their homes. We can get a place together and contribute towards it?" I looked at Zigzag for a minute, shocked at the suggestion. The others all looking between each other.
"I can't leave my mama.." Armpit said sadly.
"You don't have too, just those with drunk parents, abusive homes or whatever reason. We all get a place together." He shrugged. Looking at Squid, him looking back before smiling over at Zigzag.
"I like it!"
"I'm in!"
"It is even doable?"
"Are we even allowed too?" I shrugged. Thinking of legal terms.
" I mean, we're not allowed to do a lot of things, but we did. We're all almost 18, by the time they found out, let alone get us to court... As long as we pay the rent, don't destroy the place.. Set off fire crackers in doors.." I joked looking over at Zigzag who smirked back.
"..I think.. we could..?" We nodded to ourselves. I couldn't help but smile sadly. Feeling a newfound happiness but at the same time sadness.
"So.. We actually get to stay together? We're all actually gonna stick together after this?" I asked hopeful to the others. My voice unsteady and wavering. I felt my eyes water a bit, trying to push them back.
"Oh my god.." X-Ray mumbled in shock quietly. 
"Yo, Red?.."
"You guys broke Red!" Zigzag got up from his bed and sat down next to me, putting an arm around me.
"Of course we will, Red." The others walked over, standing in front of us as Zigzag stood up, pulling me up along with him as the others pulled us in for a group hug.
"We'll all meet up after this."
"We'll find a place as soon as we get back."
"And we'll make sure to visit every day!" I laughed out, crying at the same time.
"Aw Red. Girl, don't cry.. You're gonna make us cry." I laughed at Magnet's comment, him teary eyed now as well.
"Man, I ain't cryin'." X-Ray said this time. I leaned my head against the others in content.
"I love you guys." I beamed at them, wrapping my arms tighter around them.
"We love you too Red."

          We had all been brought back home, one by one. Each of us being driven home by a cop, our court ordered counseling papers in hand. Our dismissal papers, saying we were released from Camp Green Lake, with time served. I sat in the car, that was supposed to drive me home. I waited nervously in the back seat, knowing I had to wait till tomorrow to meet up with the others. And the wait was already more than I could stand. We were all gonna meet up at Laney Park. What I was gonna do for the night, I wasn't sure. I sighed deeply as the car stopped and parked outside of my home.
"Alright, Lillian Cosgrove. Home sweet home." The guy said, gesturing to the house.
"Yeah.. Sweet." I sighed, scoffing a bit.
"How 'bout staying out of trouble this time. Hate for ya to end up in prison." I nodded to him, not feeling like arguing.
"Thank you for the ride." I said finally getting out of the car. I was gonna take a step forward when the guy stopped me.
"Here's my card if you ever need anything, huh?" He tried, maybe as a gesture of good faith. I looked down at the card, before smiling at him.
"Thank you." I said again, friendlier this time. He nodded before taking off. I stood outside of the house for a minute, staring after the car as it disappeared out of view.
"Welcome home.. Lilly." I heard someone greet, sneering my name. I looked back towards the house. My sister and Candace standing in the gateway, glowering at me. Candace, also wearing some of my clothes. I smiled at them brightly and waved.
"They actually let you out?"
"You're not even supposed to be out yet."

They call her, Red || ZigzagWhere stories live. Discover now