The Warden is Crazy!

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         I stood there, stabbing the dirt begrudgingly. The others beside me stopped for a second looking over at me.
"Yo. Calm down, Red." I sighed out at Ziggy, stopping my assault on the earth for a minute before the Warden went for another insult.
"Four days. Four long days and this is all you jackasses got to show for it?" I growled under my breath going back to assaulting the earth.
"Red, seriously. You gotta calm down." He whispers leaning a bit closer so we don't draw the Wardens attention.
"This is so stupid!" I whispered back to him. He sighs and nods, going back to digging.
"I ain't on stupid pills." I turned at Mr Sir and mom as they stood off somewhere talking back and forth- more like seeming to bicker back and forth.
"What are you jawing about? If you can't get 'em to dig any faster, you can grab a shovel and join 'em." Mom put his hands out in defense as Mr Sir rushed away from him and starts barking out orders.
"Get to work! This ain't no kindergartners in the sandbox. I want to see some effort here or I'll put the hurt on ya. I ain't just whistling ' byebye Sue' neither." I rolled my eyes as we all lazily poked at the dirt.
"Man they got us working like dogs here."
"I'm so tired of this." I whined.
"Why are they even making us dig so much?"

        We woke up early the next morning, and all trudged along doing our normal morning routine. However today we were formed into a line, everyone stood against their shovels, clearly wanting to go back to bed. I groaned. Mom stood off to the side, drinking from his mug as Mr Sir made his way around the side of the building.
"After the behavior exhibited these past several days, the Warden and I decided that your character building, be best served by the returning to the digging of individual holes. Over to you." He passed it over to mom, walking off.
"Alright! Let's go dig, boys! Let's go, let's go. Let's go, let's go." He said leading us all to the digging sight. I rolled my head at this and trudged behind the others. We slowly made our way to the dig site, dropping the other tents off along the way. I went to a random spot, Zigzag went to the spot in front of me, Magnet next to me on one side and Squid to the other.

     I huffed out from the work and wiped my forehead, taking a water break as the water truck made its way to us.
"'Bout time man." I climbed out of the hole walking up to the now forming line. Soon enough Mr Sir got out of the truck and begun to fill our bottles.
"Water's the most precious commodity on the face of the planet. All life begins with water. " I rolled my head along with my eyes, noticing Magnet standing beside the truck. The hell is that kid planning?  I squinted my eyes suspiciously but ignored it otherwise.
"So, think of it this way.. I'm giving you life. Say' thank you.'" He said handing the bottle back to Caveman.
"Thank you, Mr Sir."
"Next!" He took the bottle Zero. There was a roar of thunder behind us, causing us all to look back. I'd kill for some rain..
"Don't get your hopes up. Them storms never make it past the mountains."
"Maybe this time they will." Caveman mumbled hopefully. He finished the rest of our bottles before standing up straight, walking to the drivers side of the truck.

 He finished the rest of our bottles before standing up straight, walking to the drivers side of the truck

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