Who Knew Caveman Could Drive? Short Distances Anyways..

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            I groaned, slowly sitting up in bed while rubbing both my eyes. Hearing the others slowly get ready for the day as well.
"Come on kid!" Squid shook the new kid. He jumped up from the bed, wondering what was going on. I looked at him plainly.
"Time for work." I said sarcastically. He nodded and started to get ready like the rest of us. I tied my boots, grabbing my water bottle and walked up behind Zigzag, resting my head on his shoulder while we waited for the last few of us to get ready. I felt him shift, but didn't make an attempt to get me off of him. Soon the others were finished and slowly made my behind the others.
"Let's go, Let's go! Wakey wakey boys!" I grabbed my shovel and breakfast, following the others to the dig site. I threw the shovel over my shoulder, finishing the last of my tortilla, fixing the shovel so I could drape my arms over either side.
"Hey! Watch it, Red." I leaned my head back a bit at Armpit and gave a nervous smile.
"Sorry 'Pit." He hummed at me jokingly as we continued to the site. My eyes glanced to the side, seeing Caveman walking closely with Twitch. They were talking, about what though I'm not sure.
"Hey don't go making this one dig for you too."
"Let's hope this one can read." Caveman looked back at the others quickly, looking between everyone before going back to talking with Twitch. I closed my eyes, sighing at the other boys ruthlessness.
"You already got one boy to run away, you really gonna get another one too also?" I asked, not looking at any of them.
"We didn't make Zero leave."
"You guys certainly didn't help." I retorted, picking an area to dig. Squid and Zigzag dug closest near me this time, the others spread out nearby. It was silent for awhile. Twitch and Caveman talking quietly back and forth every so often. I stopped digging for a minute, looking up at the sky for a long moment while leaning on my shovel.
"What's up, Red?" I shrugged at the two in front of me.
"Just thinking."
" 'Bout what?"
"Everything I guess." I said, not really being able to pinpoint a thought.
"Wow, that was some real insight there, Red." I smirked sarcastically at them.
"I guess mainly, what the hell I'm supposed to do when I get home. If I go home... You guys once we all leave this place..." I thought out, looking back at the sky.
"What are ya gonna do when you get out? What you gonna do 'bout your sister and her friends?"
"Where would you even go if you don't go home?" I shrugged to both questions, looking at them.
"Not a clue. Guess I'll figure it later."
"Do you have any friends or other family you can stay with when you get out?"
"Nope. I'm pretty much on my own. What are you guys doing when y'all get out?" They both shrugged looking at each other.
"Guess I'll figure that out once it happens."
"Well I'm not allowed back at school, so guess I'll have to get a job."
"Do you guys think we'll ever see each other after camp?" I asked.
"You never know."
"I wouldn't mind meeting up after all this is over." I smiled at the two, not knowing if they actually meant it or not. We continued digging for a while, quiet after our conversation earlier. Soon enough the water truck came into view and we started to get out of our holes, forming a group off to the side.
"Come on, Twitch. Let's go." Squid calls to him as the boy falls tiredly to the side. Mr Sir makes his way out of the truck and to the back of the truck.
"Hey Twitch, get some water."
"I'm getting tired waiting. If you see me coming, I want you to jump out of that hole. Be first in line right away. I'm a little scratchy today, so you got to be sensitive with me." I drone Mr Sir out, noticing Caveman and Twitch talking quietly to each other. I tilt my head slightly, watching them make their way to the side of the water truck. My attention was drawn from the two for a minute seeing Squid push Magnet back.
"Hey man, I'm sick and tired of you cutting in line." He pushes him back a bit as I step in front of Magnet.
"Squid, knock it off." I sigh exasperatedly.
"What's wrong with you?"
"We all getting water."
"Don't be squabbling up in here. Both of us getting water." I ignored the rest, walking up behind Zigzag, looking back over to Caveman and Twitch.
"Yo, Red. What you looking at?" He asked quietly beside me. I look at him, looking back at the two beside the truck. Caveman leans into the open window, peering inside the truck. I smile seeing Caveman look back at Twitch, who smiles nodding his head, before slowly and quietly opening the door to the truck. He gets in, closely the door soundlessly behind him as Twitch looks back at us. Suddenly the truck comes to life, causing the others to suddenly stop the bickering and look at the truck in question.
"Come on, come on! Put it in gear!" Twitch instructs. Mr Sir yells out, running around the other side of the truck. Caveman takes off, kicking up dirt as Mr Sir runs to catch up. I could hear Caveman cheering some inside the truck. I smile as the others beside me cheer. Every boy around the digging site seems to be cheering, watching Mr Sir struggle to hold onto the side of the truck. He continues to struggle, more than likely Caveman trying to fight him off. Before finally, his grip gives out. Landing into a hole. I laugh out, almost as loud as I did when mom got hit in the head with the shovel. I yelled out, throwing a fist in the air.

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