I Can Defend Myself

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"Everyone is to get up immediately and report to the mess hall! Let's go, let's go!" I whined out, ignoring the order that I was sure came from mom.
"Where's the alarm?"
"Man why we gotta go there for?"
"You think it's 'cause the other two?" I rolled over facing the others, still hiding under my blankets. I glared at them all, not wanting to be awake at all. It feels so much earlier than usual! What kind of sick joke is this?
"Come on, new kid."
"You too, Red. Wakey wakey." I furred my brows at them, eyes closed ignoring everything around me.
"Man, we know you hear us."
"Come on, Red." I hummed my no at them, pulling the blanket over me.
"Don't ignore us, we don't wanna be up neither." I slowly started going back to bed before I felt the blanket be ripped off of me. I kept my eyes closed, ignoring them once again. I pulled my pillow from underneath my head and slammed it on top of my head this time. Trying to drown them out.
"Don't make me get you up myself." One of them heard. I groaned at them, since their voice was muffled.
"Sleep now, up later." I mumbled out groggily.
"I warned you, Red." They started.
"Wakey, wakey!" They said loudly, ripping me up from my bed. I freaked out, looking around seeing all the others looking at me amused. One's missing... Zigzag.
"Put me down!" I tried squirming out of his hold, but he just held tighter.
"You gonna get up and not go back to bed?" I debated for a minute before sulking onto his back.
"Fiiine." I whined in defeat. He waited a second, before placing me on the floor. I fell back on my cot, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Hey, no going back to bed now." He warned, I gave him a look, still rubbing one of my eyes.
"I'm not!" I rubbed my face, before finally reaching for my jumpsuit and pulled them on. I quickly put my boots on, following behind the others as they waited for me. We all walked to the mess hall, each tent sitting at their own table.
"So good news everyone, you don't have to dig today!" Mom started, causing almost everyone to cheer.
"However, you all have to remain in the mess hall until further notice!" Everyone groaned out, not wanting to be cramped here together.
"Yo mom why ain't we digging?"
"Why do we have to stay in here?"
"How long are we stuck in here?"
"Are we digging tomorrow?"
"Okay, okay boys. Settle down! It's just a temporary thing, nothing to get worked up about." Mom tried to assure as the boys had gone into a frenzy of questions. I stood up from my spot, causing mom and some of the boys in the room to look back at me.
"Did you find the other two?" I asked plainly. He stared at me for a minute with his usual fake smile. He turned to look back at the room.
"Now! Everything well be discussed later but for now, everyone- Get your breakfast and just relax." He tried again. I rolled my eyes, watching as the boys in the room made their way to get their breakfast.
"Red, come on." I followed behind the others, grabbing mine as we made our way back to the table. We ate in silence for a bit, murmurs of the other tents all around us.
"Man, why we gotta be stuck up in here for?"
"What are we even supposed to do while we wait, man?" I thumped my head down on the table, still tired and now pissed that we were forced to stay locked up in the mess hall.
"Man, it's gotta be them."
"Bet they found the bodies?" I reached up, head still down on the table and smacked Squid on the arm.
"Ooo, man you getting Red mad."
"Sorry, Red." I looked up from the table.
"But you gotta admit Red, it's possible they found them."
"Yeah it's been a while since they left, nobody survives that long out there."
"No.. not them. I know they're alive still." I nodded knowingly.
"Man you sure believe in them alot."
"One might think you have a thing for Caveman." I gave X a look.
"Caveman is most definitely, NOT my type. Thank you very much."
"Oh.. and what is your type?" He winks. I scoff at him, rolling my head.
"Not you either boy. Get outta here." I joked as he gave a face of fake hurt.
"Wait, I thought-" Twitch started but Squid and Magnet suddenly tackled him down in his seat.
"Hey new kid, why don't we go for a walk huh?" Squid ordered more than asked. The kid looks at us all confused as they walk away, walking around the room.
"Man, today's gonna be a long day." I mumbled.

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