Wasn't Expecting That

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         We made our way to the mess hall, I was behind Squid, Caveman and Zero behind me. Most of the others already at the table with their food. We waited in line, unable to get the rest of our food because Mr Sir was arguing with the cook and holding up the line .

"I don't like no hocus-pocus. $14 for onions. We don't need no stinking onions." Mr Sir started with the cook. Man the guy never stops, does he? I thought as I was suddenly pushed a bit from the others behind me. I tried not bumping into Squid in front of me, looking back at the others behind me. Caveman gave me an apologetic look as some kids behind him were getting antsy.
"You told me to get the onions. I get onions." The cook tried defending himself.
"I want to taste it." Mr Sir demanding pushing one of the helps out of the way.
"Go ahead and taste it. I don't care." The cook was obviously fed up with Mr Sir by now.
"I'll taste it then."
"Go head."
"I'm tasting it." I rolled my eyes at them as they seemed to bicker like a married couple. Mr Sir bent down to go and taste the food, the big cooking pot in front of us. 
"Whoa. What happened to your face?" Squid said examining Mr Sir's face. He slowly looked up at Squid, mid taste and stared at the boy. He slowly dropped the ladle into the pot and grabbed Squid by the front of his jumper, pulling his forward over the pot. The force causing stuff on the table before him to clatter, some things falling over. I took a step forward, placing my tray down on the table in front of me.
"Something the matter with my face? Huh?" Squid quickly shook his head.
"No. No, Mr Sir."

"You got that right

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"You got that right." He shoved Squid back harshly. I tried to grabbing him before he fell to the ground, but the force of the shove just caused me to fall back too. Squid and I slammed into the table behind us, causing things to fall onto my head, making me wince. Mr Sir came out from behind the counter and glared at us, looking around the room at everyone.
"Anybody see anything wrong with my face? Huh?! I think I'm kind of purdy, don't you!" I sat up, rubbing my head as Squid did the same. I started to stand up, trying to help Squid to the same as the room chorused a 'Yes sir.' I suddenly felt myself be yanked up and away from Squid, roughly might I add. Mr Sir held me close to him, getting in my face.
"This ain't no girl scouts! He can help himself up." He yelled at first. I narrowed my eyes at him before he threw me back down on the ground. I heard a tray behind me slam on a table and a seat fall to the ground shortly afterwards. I glared up at Mr Sir as he looked up behind me, glowering at the commotion behind me.
"You got something to say boy?" He mumbled darkly. I heard whispering behind me, but couldn't tell what was being said. I looked at Squid who looked past me in the direction Mr Sir was. He looked at me for a quick second before shaking his head slightly, looking back behind me. I could hear the seat being picked up before slamming down on the floor.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." He mumbled before turning back to us, pointing in front of us.
"Clean this up." He started to walk out of the mess hall, as mom stood in the middle of the room.
"I think we just learned a valuable lesson. We're all people, and Mr Sir is a very sensitive man, just like all of us." He tried. I turned back at mom, glaring at him as he looked around the room. I heard slamming and clashing in the room beside ours. Mr Sir having a fit. I rolled my eyes, sitting up and started picking up some of the things that had fallen to the floor.
"I got it, Red. Just go sit and eat." Squid smiled weakly at me. I smiled softly at him back and shook my head a bit.
"It's fine, Squid." He patted my shoulder real quick as we quickly picked up everything and fixed the table. We grabbed our trays, not bothering to get the rest of our food and made our way to the table. Squid gestured me to sit beside Zigzag and Magnet as he took a seat on the other side of the table. He quietly sat down, putting his head down as he ate silently. I looked at him sadly.
"I'm sorry, Squid, I would have thought he'd cover it up or something. I didn't think he'd really put it on display." I tried, glancing up a bit guiltily. 
"It's okay, Red, I shouldn't have said anything." He said still not really looking up, poking at his food. I looked down sadly, ignoring the looks of the others.
"That looked pretty bad, what was it she did too him again?" X-Ray asked. I glanced over at Caveman, seeing Magnet looking between the two of us for a second out of the corner of my eye. Caveman just gave me a look, as if not knowing rather we could say or not. I looked to X-Ray this time, seeing the other's staring at me.
"She clawed him across the face with venom nail polish." The others leaned in closer in shock.
"Venom nail polish?"
"What kind of venom?"
"Is she even allowed to do that, man?"
"Rattlesnake venom." I said quietly as the others went quiet.
"Oh, and what was that commotion? Who was Mr Sir talking too before?" They all looked to each other, as I glanced at them.
"What commotion?" X-Ray asked. I frowned at him but decided to drop it. I looked down at my food for another minute as the table went silent. I pushed my tray forward and stood up.
"Hey. What's wrong, Red?"
"Where you going?"
"You should really eat, you haven't been eating much lately."
"Ay, Red, you can have your food, I won't try stealing any today. I promise." I shook my head, grabbing the roll off the plate.
"Nah, I'm good. You guys eat it." I started making way towards the tent, eating the roll along the way. Mr Sir in a sensitive person. I told mom though, I liked seeing adults like him get what they deserve.. Course they just take their pain out of us. I wonder why they wouldn't tell me what the commotion was before. Couldn't have been that bad if Mr Sir didn't actually do anything about it, right?

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