Time to Meet the Boys

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         I trudged behind, ignoring the looks and whispering of some of the boys that were lingering and scattered around the camp. I looked at some, some smirking and some gawking at me. Other's glared and more just stared in confusion. We soon made it to another cabin, walking in and looked around. The cabin was full of those orange jumpsuits, that seemed to be the theme of this place. There were also a bunch of black work boots lined up along one of the walls and the other walls contained.. I'm not even sure. There was so many totes and boxes full of stuff like towels and more clothes.

"Hi, Mr Sir." Some kid greeted as we walked in. I looked up seeing the kid give me a glance before placing a crate on the table before him. Mr Sir threw some boots in front of Stanley and looked over some more boots before grabbing another pair, throwing them in front of me as well. He turned towards Stanley.
"Get undressed." The kid side glanced me. He started to take his bag off, before Mr Sir grew impatient and grabbed it off him, throwing it to the other kid.
"You get two sets of clothes. One for work, one for relaxation. " He started throwing some clothes to Stanley. I turned my head slightly, knowing he was feeling pretty awkward.
"After three days, your work clothes well be washed and your second set become your work clothes. Is that clear?" I nodded and could hear the kid beside me struggle to change.
"Yes, Mr Sir." I sighed at how long it was taking the kid to change, before Mr Sir walked up to me, shoving some clothes in my arms, still not bothering to uncuff me still. Seriously.
"This ain't no girls scout but I'll at least let ya change in a stall after."
"Can I be uncuffed now?" I asked ignoring his oh so kind gesture.
"You are to dig one hole each day. Five foot deep, feet foot diameter. Your shovel is your measuring stick. The longer it takes you to dig, the longer you'll be out in the hot sun." He explained ignoring me completely. I rolled my eyes at this but also at hearing the kid beside me fall to the ground. I sighed as the other guy behind Mr Sir start smiling mockingly at Stanley.
"Sorry, Mr Sir."
"You need to keep alert for lizards and rattlesnakes."
"Rattlesnakes?" Stanley asked sounding a bit scared. Great, gotta watch out for deadly animals and the boys of this camp.
"You don't bother them, they won't bother you.. usually. Being bit by a rattler ain't the worst thing that can happen to ya. You won't die usually. But you don't want to get bit by a yellow spotted lizard. That is the worst thing that can happen to you. You well die a slow and painful death... always." I stared at him as he turned dark at the mention of these lizards. I raised a brow but suddenly whipped around as the door swung open and looked at the new awkward man that bounced into the cabin. He looked between Stanley and I and smiled brightly at us.
"Stanley Yelnats? Lillian Cosgrove? I just want you to know. You may have done some bad things, but that does not make you bad kids. I respect you." I stood there awkwardly staring at him. I bet I can make him loose that respect reeeal quick. I mentally challenged.
"Good can you uncuff me then?" He blinked, almost taken back before he looked at Mr Sir who still stood behind us before turning back at me and smiled wisely once again.
"Welcome to Camp Green Lake. I'm Dr Pendanski, your counselor." He shook Stanley's hand and went to me but then awkwardly stopped himself, remembering my hands were cuffed. He cleared his throat and put his hand back down by his side as I stared at him plainly.
"Start that touchy-feely crap, I'm outta here. Give 'em some towels, tokens. Set 'em up." Mr Sir listed, dropping some keys into Pendanski's hand, walking off. I stood there staring at him, waiting for the next move. He started walking off, causing me to growl.
"Seriously?" I mumbled, grabbing the boots that were tossed at me earlier and followed after.

"You'll be in D-tent. D stands for ' diligence.' Over there is the mess hall, there's the rec room and there's the showers." He points out everything. I stopped grimacing at the open showers, some boys standing by it showering and or hanging out.
"There's only one knob 'cause there's only one temperature- cold. And that's the Warden's cabin over there. That's the number one rule at Camp Green Lake, do not upset the Warden."
"Yeah he seems kind of-" Stanley started but was cut off.
"Who? Oh, Mr Sir? Oh, he's not the Warden. He's just in a bad mood since he quit smokin'." I watched as a group of three boys walked up behind Mr Pendanski. One was a bigger dark skinned boy wearing a hat with flaps, one was a skinnier dark skinned boy with thick glasses. He had a bandana wrapped around his head, a small hand towel wrapped around that as if to keep the sun from getting to him. The last one was a skinny white boy. A bandana or towel wrapped around his head with a hat resting on top, a small splinter of a stick hanging from his mouth. All of them, covered in dirt. I narrowed my eyes at them as they stopped and examined us.
"Hey mom, who's the Neanderthal and the chick?" The one with glasses asked. Pendanski smiled and slightly pushed the two of us forward. I pulled my arm away from him and stepped to the side, moving myself away from everyone.

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