Meet The New Kid

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        I sighed walking back to camp with Magnet, Zigzag, and Squid. Done our digging for the day. The other's still shoveling.
"I'm so bored." I whined, dragging the shovel behind me.
"You're always bored though, Red."
"True.. But I'm reeally bored now."
"We can go to the rec room, when we get back."
"And do what?" I asked bluntly, since there wasn't much to do.
"I don't know, foos ball? Pool? Bowling? Or just watch tv..?" Magnet started listing the options as I leaned around the others giving him a bored look.
"So boring.. I think it's my turn to get in a fight. Hey Magnet.. " I grinned at the boy, causing him to look at me like I was crazy.
"No! Fight Zigzag! He's the one that hit you." I looked at Zigzag, him sending a glare at Magnet.
"I didn't mean too! And I already apologized for that."
"Yeah well if Zero don't come back alive, it won't mean squat there, bud."
"Ooohh." The others chorused out, laughing at the end of it. Zigzag sent looks to the others before looking to me.
"He's gonna be okay." He said, trying to reassure. I hummed at him mockingly as we made our way into camp. Putting our shovels back, we headed towards the rec room, hopefully to find something entertaining to do. We walked there, seeing mom outside of it. He gestured to a boy beside him. He was younger then us, twitching every so often. I raised a brow at him, not recognizing his face before.
"Great timing, boys, and Lillian.." He said, saying my name sarcastically. I gave him a sarcastic smile in return as the boys chuckled out.
"Mommy dearest." I replied, sickly sweet. He narrowed his eyes, before looking back at the boy smiling.
"This here is Brian. He'll be in D-tent. Zero's old bed. Give him the grand ol' tour huh? Uhh Squid, you be his mentor." He instructed, passing the boy over to Squid. Squid grinned down at the boy, more then likely feeling superior.
"You're already giving his bed away!" I yelled stepping towards mom.
"Now Lillian. Make sure you're nice to the new kid." He smiled at me, nodding to Brian and left. Totally ignoring me. I growled at him, walking to go after him but one of the others pulled my shoulder back gently.
"Let it go, Red." I turned back as Zigzag took his hand off my shoulder, looking at the new kid as he stared at me. I tried ignoring it.
"At least you won't be bored huh? We get to show the new kid around." Squid joked. I gave him an unimpressed look.
"Fine, let's go." I sighed.
"There's the rec room." Squid started, pointing behind the kid to the cabin.
"Over there's the mess hall." He stated pointing to the other cabin further away. He started walking away, the rest of us close behind. We soon got to the tent and made our way in.
"And that's uh.. that's your cot." He said pointing to Zero's old cot.
"Well that was fun, goodbye." I said walking away. Magnet stopped me, putting an arm around my shoulder.
"Who's Zero?" The kid asked. I looked at the others, them looking back. Them not sure what to say. I rolled my eyes at them, turning to look back at the younger boy.
"A kid who used to be here not to long ago."
"And what happened to him?"
"Do you have any other questions?" I asked him, he nodded, twitching half way through.
"Who are you guys?" Squid stepped forward.
"I'm Squid, that's Magnet, Zigzag and Red." He pointed each of us out. This is gonna be a long night.

          I sighed getting my food, following behind Zigzag to the table. The new kid got the nickname Twitch, for obvious reasons. I sat at the table beside Zigzag, Twitch closely sitting beside me. I raised a brow looking at him, seeing him smile up at me before turning to his food. I looked at the others weirdly, some of them smiling almost mockingly at me. X-Ray, Armpit, and Caveman not meeting the kid before, as well as us not really learning much about the kid, decided it was time to get to know the kid. X-Ray started at the kid, us following suit. I leaned back slightly, so Zigzag could also get a look at the kid.

"So what you in here for, Twitch?" He twitched, eyes shifting between all of us.
"Oh, ha. Joyriding. I guess you never really plan to steal one or nothing, but when I walk past a really nice car.. Whoo.. Oh, I just start twitching, you know? Really kind of.. Well. You think I'm jumpy now? You should have seen me behind the wheel of that mustang convertible. Whoo! Vroom!" I smiled as the kid talked, picturing him stealing a car. I laughed out to myself not really being able to help it.
"What you laughing at, Red?" I laughed out more this time, looking up to the others. Seeing the new kid, Twitch look at me, I felt bad thinking he thought I was laughing at him, trying to cover the laugh.
"I'm sorry, I'm just picturing you stealing a car." He smiled at me and jumped in his seat.
"Oh you should see me! I get behind that wheel, and, and , and, boy can I make it go! Something.. about being behind the wheel just.. It gets me real amped, you know." Some of the others chuckled around us, more than likely laughing at the boy this time. It was silent for a minute before the boy turned to me more, causing me to look over at him curiously.
"Has the others, or, or anyone tell you, you're.. well.. You're like really pretty. It's weird your called, Red. Why is your name Red anyways? Are you.. so there's no other girls here?" I blinked for a moment, looking to some of the others real quick not really sure how this topic suddenly jumped to me. And not really entirely sure where to start or how to answer. The other's looked almost like I'd be mad he complimented me. I questioned it, before turning my attention back to the boy.
"Uh.. Thanks. They gave me the nickname, Red.. and yeah.. I'm the only girl here." I said, trying to piece words together.
"Why'd they give you the name Red? You don't.. Your hairs not red." I shrugged looking away from the boy. 
"It's cause she has a thing for me and blushes every time she sees me." Squid jokes. I shot him a look before he could even finish, the others at the table laughing at the exchange.
"Is not, does not." He winked at me, going back to his food.
"So than why Red?" He asks again.
"Boy, I don't know. Magnet's got a false imagination" I waved, feeling my face get slightly hot. Damn it. I mentally sulked.
"Hey! Hey look! Your-.. Her face is turning red?!" He points out, looking to the others smiling. The others laugh once again, harder this time.
"Yeah, false imagination. " Magnet mocked.
"Screw you." I mumbled into my cup, drinking some of my water. I went back to eating ignoring the small chat of the others. Soon enough everyone was finished and we made our way to the tent. I went to my cot, sitting on the edge undoing my boots for the night. I looked out the window, seeing boys were using the shower.

"Damn it." I set my boots the side as the others plopped down on their cots as well.
"Aww. What's wrong, Red? Showers in use?" I glared at Squid real quick, sticking my tongue out at him.
"Wait.. She showers.. here? There.. It's, but its open." The boys smiled at the younger one, nodding.
"Whoa." He said looking at me. I involuntarily felt my face heat up at this, pointing a finger at him.
"Don't even think about it!" The others laughed, Magnet coming over to my cot with a deck of cards.
"Ay, Red. Play some cards with me." He almost whined, obviously bored.
"What you wanna play?" He shrugged.
"Go fish?" He smiles.
"Bro.." I mumbled taking the cards from him and started shuffling them. I made the piles, setting the rest of them on the bed as the others watched out of boredom.
"Ladies first." I smiled as his head shot up to me.
"Magnet, you're up, boy." The others mocked.
"Fine, do you have any sevens?"
"Go fish."
"Do you have any threes?" I asked, starting the very boring game of gold fish. I groaned out after a while, hanging over the side of my bed, as Magnet leaned over the end of the bed. I laid on the bed, facing Zigzag as the others, somehow still manage to continue watching the game.

"This is so boring."
"Man your always bored." I smiled at the reply.
"True.. but now I'm reaaally really bored." I joked as the other two laughed, the other's not getting it. Magnet and I finished our game quickly and he went back to his cot. I sat up, stretching before getting up and getting undressed for bed. Taking off my jumper, going to bed in my briefs and t-shirt as I so often do.
"Whoo.. And I thought just the sight of a good car was the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life." I froze, feeling my face red as I turned to him, all the others but Zigzag looking at me. Zigzag was looking at the boy.
"Go to bed!" He quickly nodded his head and laid down stiffly on his bed. The others laughing out hysterically before fully getting into their beds as well. This boy! He's gonna grow up to be such a playa. 

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