Paranoid Showers

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       We were finally done shoveling for the day and slowly trudged our way back to camp. Everyone tired and so ready to just relax for the rest of the day. We walked silently for a while, nobody really saying much other then today being the longest they've had to shovel.

"Hey, how'd she know my name, man?" Caveman asked suddenly.
"Oh, she's got this whole place wired." Zigzag answered. What? I threw my shovel off to the side in the pile, leaning back slightly as Zigzag got ready to throw his as well.
"Oh, yeah. She's got these little, tiny microphones and cameras all over the place." He smiled placing his hands together, looking off somewhere else.
"Yeah, she's got 'em in the rec room. She's got 'em in the tent. She's got in 'em in the showers." He smiled more, enjoying his theory.
"They're not in the shower." Caveman shot, not buying it. I looked at Zigzag, who seemed to daze off for a second, as Squid came up beside me. He learned over, walking slightly ahead of me.
"Man, don't listen to him. I read his file. It says he suffers from uh, acute paranoia." He said, thinking of the correct term. Zigzag's smile dropped as he suddenly stared at Squid as he started walking away from us. I watched as Zigzag watched him walk away when suddenly his eyes glance down at me. I looked back for a second before he suddenly looks away, going back to the other's conversation. I did just make him mad?
"Man, he says she got cameras and microphones, not microscopes." What the hell did I just miss?
"Get outta here, man." The others laughed. I decided not to take part of this conversation and head back to the tent, most of the others doing the same. When we entered the tent. X-Ray was there to greet us smugly as we entered the tent.
"Did y'all have fun?" I glared at him, going to my cot and lied down, ignoring the others, and placed my arms behind my head. I stared at the ceiling of the cot, and tuned out the others as they laughed and joked with one another. Not realizing I feel asleep until I felt someone shake me awake.

"Ay, Red. Time for dinner." I opened my eyes, still laying in the same position I was in earlier and saw Squid standing above me. Zigzag stood off to the side a bit, the other's by the entrance of the tent, all looking at me.
"I fell asleep? When the hell did I do that?" I asked, with a small groan as I stretched my arms from being locked in the same position for so long.
"Don't know we looked over and you were sleeping. Figured to leave ya be til dinner at least." Squid said. I sighed standing up, walking behind the others heading to the mess hall.

"Thanks." We got our dinner, much to my surprise everyone got a peice of steak for dinner. Not big, at all it was kind of small but a peice of steak none the less. Along with some other less than pleasant sides. I sat at the table next to Zigzag and Squid, Zero at the end. On the other side was Caveman, Magnet and then Armpit, X-Ray sitting at the head of the table as he usually does. I ate my fruit and the bread, along with about half of the steak, leaving almost exactly half a tray worth of food for Magnet. I pushed the tray across the table to him, grabbing my water off of it as he took the tray with a big grin.
"Yo, man.. What's this?"
"Why you givin' him your food?
"Red, what you doin' man?"
"Magnet, what did you do? Why's she giving you that?" I ignored the questions, sipping on the water.
"...'cause I'm her new best friend." Magnet said after a while. I looked up at him, a slightly unimpressed look shaking my head.
"More like hostage." I mumbled thinking no one heard me.
"Something ain't right 'bout this." Armpit said looking between us.
"Oh my god.. you two are dating!" Squid yelled I whipped my head at him, narrowing my eyes at him. Before looking at Magnet blankly.
"Man, she wishes she could have the Magnet, but alas. I had to refuse her." I stared at him shocked as he made this into some sort of performance.
"You little shit." He grinned at me and continued to eat my food happily.
"I knew.. I freakin' knew I should have chosen jail." I half joked bitterly.
"You love it here, admit it." I smiled, giving Squid a playful look.
"Guess jail wouldn't have been as fun." I admitted. I sat there, finishing my water as the others continued to eat, mostly in silence for the rest of the time. We made it back to the tent, Squid and Zigzag playing with deck of cards they stole from the rec room. I laid on my cot, drawing in a notepad, I had also stolen from the rec room. My random doodles soon turned into things like my version of Mr Sir and mom.. I made a play stretch of me beating my sister. Another of an actual lake, with water. I sighed pushing myself up sitting up and looked out the window. It was pretty dark out, but not lights out time just yet. I looked at the shower seeing nobody was using it, taking this as my sign to take a shower while I could in peace.

They call her, Red || ZigzagWhere stories live. Discover now