To Sploosh!

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        I screamed as Magnet shoved me down the slide and into the pool, him soon crashing into the water beside me.
"You're dead boy!" I laughed shoving him down under the water. I screamed out as I was suddenly picked up and thrown away, landing somewhere else in the water. I slowly raised to the surface of the water with a less than impress look, the others nearby laughing at me. Squid laughing hysterically with an arm around Magnet, Zigzag beside them with his hands up in defense.

"Don't look at me darlin', wasn' me." I narrowed my eyes at Squid, trying not to look at Caveman as he walked up behind the three.
"You want war, you'll get war boy." I warned playfully. He scoffed laughed at me, me now seeing Caveman behind them with a water gun. Sneaking stealthily behind them.
"What you gonn' do Red?" I smiled at them innocently as Caveman started shooting them with the water gun, me going under the water as they turned around at Caveman.
"Ay! Ay, where she go?!" Magnet yells out frantically.
"She set a trap!" I grabbed Squid's ankle from under water, causing him to turn around. I rushed up out of the water, throwing myself at him as I tackled him down in the water.
"Oh damn she's like a water ninja." I swam up the the surface, trying not to laugh out at Magnet's joke and choke on water.

       We had been able to find Caveman, Zero too! The guy on the business card actually helped Armpit when he called. Armpit had some explaining to do, that we were all from the same tent, that he had gotten his card from me when we met up at the park. Though.. Armpit did a little too much explaining. He went full story mode on the guy. Explained that we all have nicknames that we go by, so the guy should call me Red, not Lillian whatever. Explained how we promised each other to still be friends once we left the camp. How we said we'd meet up once we got out, at the park, but of course Zigzag and I were here because my sister had practically run me out of the house. Since we had all met up, we wanted to find Caveman because he was in our tent as well. Yeah he said alot to the guy. However the guy found me, at the park that I had been staying at, and said he wanted to talk.

      First he asked why I was staying at the park instead of being home. I explained my situation, and then be proceeded to tell me why I couldn't stay there. I tried explaining our plans to get a place together, some of us at D-tent Zigzag, Squid and I, since the other's were at home in good conditions, and wanted to reform the connections with their parents. He then told me that some of us, okay so Squid and I were too young to live on our own just yet. However he said since we were trying to do better, and given under the circumstances he could arrange something. He said he normally doesn't do this but because we were 'setting a good example' he would hate to separate us, plus risk us resort to our old ways, he'd help us get a place. Him and some others 'at the office' would help. Of course there were terms and conditions. It had to be once we all got jobs, we pay rent on time every time, and we stay out of trouble. We've done good so far staying out of trouble, okay so big trouble. We're young leave us alone! We each went and got jobs, nothing top grade but it's a start. We actually all work at the same place, baggers and cart pushers the the mini-mart a few blocks away. We meet the guy for coffee, or soda for some of the others don't drink it like Armpit and Twitch, every two weeks. He makes sure we're doing good and not getting into trouble. Making sure we also keep seeing our councilors like we were mandated too, every week.

     The place isn't fancy but it's what we call home now. Squid got his own room, as did Zigzag and I. One bathroom sadly, and I say that with a cringe face. There's even a laundry room in the building too. The guys come over alot, but we usually rotate to where we go. We usually just go back here since there's no adults. Speaking of fancy, you should see Zero's and Caveman's new place! I guess we were digging to find some old buried treasure, Kissin' Kate Barlow had hidden years ago! The whole character building was a scheme, which I knew it was but I wasn't expecting there to be treasured buried out in the middle of no where! The treasure that they found, actually ended up being a relatives of Stanley's. His great-grandfather.

They call her, Red || ZigzagWhere stories live. Discover now