2| Announcement

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Chapter 2: Announcement (Rowan's POV)

I stood beside Nate at the auditorium entrance, waiting for the others. Let me correct that, while he made me wait with him for the others. 

The most useless room in the entire building? This goddamn auditorium. It's used for nothing but meetings that involve the whole company and every single employee we have, which is well over one hundred. Other than that, the employees freely use this room for lunch, especially when they're running away and escaping a deadline or their boss, and it's used even more when two employees that want to hook up can't find a spot in the janitor's closet. 

When ten minutes had gone by and the entire auditorium was full, we had the manager of each department start doing a headcount while checking their department's list of employees to make sure everybody was here. Every team had reported back saying everybody was here. Except Evie. 

"Why don't we start without her?" I asked, looking at Nate. "If she missed it, she missed it. It's her fault." 

"We can't start without her, she's the most important employee in regards to this meeting. She worked directly under grandpa and reported to him first, she was as good as Gilbert," he replied, referring to grandpa's assistant. "Speaking of him, do you want to just keep him as your assistant? It'll make things easier, he already knows a lot about how the company works." 

"No," I answered immediately, scanning the room, looking for my least favorite girl. 

"Why?" Nate asked when I didn't elaborate. 

"The man is almost sixty-five years old, Nate. Give him a break. And sure, he knows everything about the company but he's too old and too slow now. I can't have him working for me. I need someone quicker." 

He paused in thought. "Then hire someone new." 


"And why not?" he huffed exasperatedly. 

"Because it will take months, maybe even a whole year for a new employee to get used to me and how things work around here. I need someone old at this company but young and fit enough in all aspects to work for me." 

"Then... take someone who's working at a different position here. Make it seem like a promotion." 

I stared at him, my eyes meeting his. "It is a promotion." 

He snickered, "We both know it's a demotion if anything." He pushed himself off the soundproof wall we were leaning against as the doors opened and Evie came rushing through, looking exhausted. "Thank God she's here. Let's start." Nate rushed down the steps and headed towards the stage while I lingered. 

She stood against the wall, catching her breath as I watched her curiously. She hunched over, hands on her knees before glancing at me. "What?" 

"Where were you?" I questioned. 

"I was working and lost track of time," she replied, looking for an empty seat in the crowded room. 

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