47| Lose

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Chapter 47: Lose (Evie's POV)

He hadn't even done anything to me yet and I was losing my mind. He let out a low chuckle when I gasped at the softest, faintest touches. "Breathe, Evie." 

I did. 

"If you want me to stop, just say the word," he said. 

"I want you to start," I ground out through a clenched jaw. 

His thumb steadily stroked the inside of my knee before he moved up, hovering over me, resting his forearm on the bed right above my head. "Someone's needy. Very desperate of you," he teased. 

I arched off the bed and kissed him but he leaned away, grinning at me. I let out a breath of defeat and dropped my head, only then he didn't take a beat to react, his lips crashing against mine while his hands slid down my waist, splaying over my stomach and making my body tense before slipping down to caress my thighs. 

He deepened the kiss, his tongue teasing my bottom lip before his hands slid up, resting at the base of my neck, fingers in my hair. 

We both broke away when we had to breathe, when we had to slow down because we needed to take it slow. I realized that's what he was trying to do. Catching my breath, I stared at him. "How much do you like me, Rowan?" 

"Enough to tolerate you," he replied, pecking my lips. 

I chuckled in response. 

"I like you a lot but I hate it," he mumbled. "I hate that I like you." 

"And why is that?" 

"Because it gives you too much power over me." 

I paused and thought for a minute. "And what about the power that gives you over me?" 

His lips twitched. "Well, we'll find out soon enough how much power I have over you after all," he smirked before pressing the faintest kisses down my neck, my chest, and down my stomach, tracing the trail he left behind moments ago. His hands were everywhere, caressing, touching, teasing. 

I felt an icy hot chill running down my spine as he placed a kiss on my hip bone while his hands pushed my knees apart before he took my legs and tugged me forward, sliding my hips closer to the edge of the bed. 

He trailed kisses up the inside of my left thigh while he squeezed my left and as the kisses go higher, my breaths come out as gasps and my fingers tighten around the black silk sheets under me. He'd been teasing me long enough and I was buzzing, so high on the adrenaline, that it took everything in me to not move or jerk when he finally tasted me. 

It was nothing I didn't already know but experiencing it just confirmed what I always thought. Rowan knew his way around pleasuring women. As much as the thought of him with another woman like this pisses me off beyond belief, I also know that practice makes perfect and Rowan was as perfect as they come. 

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