51| Truths

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Chapter 51: Truths (Evie's POV)

"It's not crooked, don't you dare touch it," I said, grabbing Rowan's hand before he moved to touch one of his mother's paintings that we'd hung up near the staircase. 

"It... looks crooked," he mumbled quietly. 

"It's not. It's in the perfect position." I grabbed his jaw and turned him to look at me, kissing him quickly. 

His lips began to move against mine and a grin tugged at my lips as we moved in rhythm. I broke off the kiss just as he deepened it, making him sigh and then nod quickly. "I agree. It's centered. Where were we?" 

"Nowhere," I sang as he turned me to look at him and placed both hands on the sides of my face, sliding them down to the nape of my neck, his fingers in my hair before he moved down to squeeze my shoulders. 

"We have no work pending tonight," he said. 

"Hmm. Because we were in the office for hours after work doing everything but work," I chuckled, putting my arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his jaw. 

He sighed softly, moving his hands down to my waist. 

I trailed kisses up to his ear and stopped just as my lips grazed his earlobe. "I want to read the letters," I whispered and then pulled back to look at him. 

He stared down at me, an amused grin on his lips. "You do?" 

I nodded. 

He hummed and then dropped his lips down to my ear. "Then I want to read yours," he whispered back. 

I took a step back and extended my hand. "You have a deal, Mr. Volkov." 

He took my hand and kissed it before taking me upstairs while Niko trailed behind us with a wagging tail. 

"I'll bring the box," I told him before going into my room and digging around for the shoebox, carrying it into Rowan's room. 

He was also standing in his closet, looking around, and then came out with a black wooden box that had a golden butterfly on the very top of it, I remembered seeing that box around his room when we were younger. 

I sat on the bed and he sat right in front of me, both of us putting the boxes down. I chuckled as we traded them and then I opened the latch and pushed the lid up. I shuffled through the folded sheets of paper that were numbered in the top corner. "It looks like you put a lot of thought into this," I teased, crossing my legs under me. 

"I did. Every time I wrote a letter, I swore I would send it out but then I never did. I thought you wouldn't miss me." 

I smiled at him, picking up the first letter and unfolding it, looking at him over the paper so he'd only see my eyes and not the grin playing on my lips. "I did, Rowan, of course, I missed you." 

He shook his head with a grin and then shifted his eyes down to the page in his hands while I did the same. 

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