3| Working

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Chapter 3: Working (Evie's POV)

I stood in front of Rowan's desk while he moved around the office, mainly from shelf to shelf behind him, pulling out one file after the other. I was expecting him to tell me off for using my phone, which was due in all fairness, wrong of me. 

But it was Priya I was texting. She wasn't just my cousin, but my best friend. Anyhow, the reason I was staring at my phone and grinning was because she told me that her boyfriend of almost eight years now, Rohan, who she met during high school, was about to propose to her. 

She had a feeling but hadn't seen the ring or any bill, so naturally, I told her to play along and not ruin the poor guy's surprise. She had a perfect life and she earned every bit of it. As her cousin, I was genuinely proud of her and I admired her because there was her life and then there was mine. 

Actually, there was her life and then there was Rowan, who made it his mission to ruin mine. 

With a sigh, he placed all the files on his desk creating a loud thud, and caught them before they slid off. 

I folded my arms across my chest, shifting my weight. "If you're going to scold me for using my phone during your announcement, just do it already, please. I have things to do." 

"Like get back on your phone and text Priya all day long?"

My eyes narrowed. "Like finish the reports you want on your desk by tomorrow." 

"Well then, Lyubov, add more to that to-do list." 

I paused in confusion. 

He nodded down at the files. 

"I don't even know what those files are, Mr. Rowan." 

"They're reports from the last five years." 

I eyed the huge and heavy files. "All of them?" 

He watched me in amusement. "Just remember, you work for me now, which means all official work is done by my rules." 

"Of course," I muttered sarcastically. 

"I want detailed comparison reports of each year and I want them on my desk by the end of the day." 

I straightened up, my hands dropping to make a death grip on the chair across from his. "I'm sorry, what?" 

"You heard me. Detailed comparison reports," he repeated, enunciating his words more like I was a child. It only made me dig my nails into the expensive leather seat before me. "The sales, the techniques, the losses, the digits too," he elaborated. 

I watched him incredulously before scoffing softly. "And where do you suppose I can get the data from before I even started working here?" 

He shrugged a shoulder at me. "I don't know and it isn't my problem. Find it, by any means. It's your job." 

I released a controlled breath. "Can I know the purpose of this task before I torture myself any longer?" 

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