5| Conditions

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Chapter 5: Conditions (Evie's POV)

Answering my phone when it rang the second time, I put it to my ear and turned the heat down on the stove so my hash browns wouldn't burn. "Hello?" I asked. 

"Evie, listen." 

I glanced at the caller ID. "Mumma, why are you calling me at eight in the morning? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" 

"Your Dad had to go into work earlier today and once he was up, I was too." 

I frowned in confusion, "Dad went to the hospital already?" 

My Dad was a heart surgeon at The Oasis Medical Hospital. It was something my mother never let anybody forget. It was unnecessary at times but I loved how proud she was of him. What was most annoying though was how everybody on Mom's side of the family never failed to make a big deal out of how she found a foreigner who was a doctor and how she was lucky to marry him. That whole idea never made sense to me, it didn't matter to them that they came from different places and had different backgrounds, and it wasn't like she married him because he was a doctor. 

Love is love, no matter what the circumstances are. At least I like to think so. 

"Hmm," she hummed, answering my question. "Accha, listen." Okay, listen. 

"Yes?" I asked, drawing out the word. 

"Are you stopping by for breakfast today? Tell me if you are, I'll pack lunch for you." 

"No, I'm not stopping by today." 

"Why?" she asked, sounding shocked, maybe even a little disappointed. 

I laughed softly, "Didn't I move into my own apartment for a reason?" 

"But what about your lunch?" 

"I'll drop by for lunch." 

"You said that yesterday too and then you never showed up." 

"I had a lot of work to do yesterday, I'm sorry. But I'll be there today." 

"Pakka?" Sure? 

"Pakka," I mumbled absentmindedly while grabbing a plate for myself. 

"Okay. I'll see you later then, bachcha," she sighed, calling me kid. "Bye." 

I waited for her to hang up and once she did, I put my phone down, served myself breakfast, and settled down at the kitchen island, eating. I wasn't even halfway done when my phone rang again. I read Rowan's name flashing on the screen and paused, contemplating declining the call. 

Technically, work hours haven't started yet. 

I rolled my eyes but ended up answering anyway. "Hello?" 

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