13| Signed

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Chapter 13: Signed (Evie's POV)

I sat restlessly at my desk, tapping my white heels on the floor rapidly, waiting for the phone in front of me to ring. 

Last night, I had no choice but to show up at Rowan's apartment. Only, he never let me in, that jackass. He didn't even let me get a glimpse of Niko. 

I went there to discuss the terms with him that we'd get drafted in the contract today with Mr. Michaels because after the petty discussion we had, we never seriously talked about them. I also had to tell him that my parents invited me over to dinner tonight and I thought it would be a good idea to tell them about what we were about to do so neither one of them would die of a heart attack when they suddenly receive wedding invitations to their own daughter's wedding. 

He felt nice enough, and that's a rarity on its own, to come over for dinner tonight, but for those terms, he just said we'll talk about them tomorrow. 

We would leave for Mr. Michaels's office in ten minutes and he still hadn't called me in to talk about them. I figured then that he never would and I would find out what I'm walking into only when we reach there. The phone rang, making me jump physically. Groaning, I answered, "Hello?" 

"We're leaving now. Come to my office, I'll tell you the terms on the way out." 

"Okay," I breathed out and then put the phone down, grabbed my purse, and stood up, slowly walking towards Rowan's office as per his orders. Knocking on the door, I let myself in once he said so. 

He was still typing on his computer but turned it off and stood up as I entered the room. "One," he recited suddenly, taking me by surprise. "You'll be my wife for the duration of one year." 

I stared at him as he picked up his coat from the back of his chair and pulled it on. 

"During that one year, you are to live with me unless we mutually agree otherwise for unforeseen reasons. Understand?" 

"Yes," I nodded quickly as he walked over. 

"Two." He stopped, looking from the door to me. 

I laughed sarcastically, "I'm not your slave, but sure. Continue." I pulled the door open, trailing behind him down the empty hall while he explained. 

"Two," he repeated, "by the end of the one year that we are to remain married, I will ensure that your debts that total to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars are paid off." 

I listened silently. 

"And the last one. Starting from the date that we sign the contract, you'll be promoted to my assistant and that position shall remain yours until you request otherwise. I will, unfortunately, have no right to fire you or replace you. You, however, can quit whenever you please." Stopping at the elevator, he pressed the button and then turned to me where I stood beside him now. "Do you understand, Ms. Spencer?" 

"Yes I do, Mr. Rowan," I said, nodding my head. 

"Good," he remarked and then we got into the elevator. He was undoubtedly, in a bossier, meaner mood today and I just knew it had to do with the fact that we would sign and seal our fates today. We would bring our dooms upon ourselves, but there was no other option. As Rowan said, it's a commitment we both made. 

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