39| Mystery

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Chapter 39: Mystery (Evie's POV)

Rowan closed his eyes and held out his hands. "If you're falling, just grab on. For fuck's sake, don't just let yourself fall."

"I already fell," I mumbled with a pout, glaring at him.

He tilted his head back until he faced the ceiling and kept his eyes shut tightly.

I wanted to kiss him. Everywhere and hard. But I couldn't, damn it. I looked down, unhooking my lehenga, pushing it down my hips so it fell and pooled at my ankles. I grabbed onto his hands and stepped out of it, kicking it to the side. Leaning back towards the bed to grab my shorts, I stumbled but he tightened his grip on me, pulling me back up swiftly. I giggled and grabbed a hold of his shirt with my free hand, pulling him into me.

"Evie," he sighed, stumbling forward, his hands flying to my waist to steady me, fingers digging into my hips over the waistband of my underwear. He looked down, his eyes meeting mine.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I demanded, fisting his shirt tightly.

"Because you're you," he answered, prying my hands off of him and looking away. "Change. Quickly."

With a click of my tongue, I grabbed my shorts and slipped them on while he took my arm to hold me. "Can you help me?" I mumbled, struggling to reach the back of my blouse.


"I really can't do this!" I whined, shoving him away and sitting down on the bed.

He rubbed his face with his hands before groaning softly. "Okay. Stand up, I'll help you."

I stood back up, glaring at him, and turned around, pulling my hair over one shoulder. I stared at the empty bed while his fingers worked impressively fast along the strings and the two hooks, swiftly undoing it all. I took in a soft breath, his fingers brushing against my bare back, sending chills down the length of my spine.

He inhaled sharply. "Don't turn around. Just get dressed," he said quietly.

"Why can't I turn around?" I blinked in confusion.

"Because you're... undressed," he breathed out.

"Because you can see my—"

"Just change," he said in a clipped tone.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the top, slipping it over my head and then putting my arms through. "There. Now I'm not so naked," I mumbled, spinning around to face him, losing my balance, and landing on the bed.

"Do you want to freshen up?" he asked, staring down at me.

I shook my head.

"You should," he added.

I huffed and rolled over, my back facing him.

Until he announced, "I'm leaving."

"You're staying," I demanded without moving. "I'll be really, really, really upset if you don't."

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