17| Invitations

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Chapter 17: Invitations (Evie's POV)

I sat on the floor, against the bed, my eyes closing shut and my head falling every time I dozed off. 

"Evelyn," he called out for the billionth time, making me clench my jaw and let out an angry huff. 

I hated that name, even though it was mine. Nobody called me Evelyn, it had always been Evie. I had no particular reason to hate the name, I just did. It never suited me, I always failed to picture myself as Evelyn. My eyes snapped open as I glared at him. "What?" 

"Finish packing so I can leave." 

"Leave then," I whined, unfolding my crossed legs. "Who told you to show up here at this hour and stand there, making me pack? It's almost two in the morning now, Rowan. We both had a long day at work, I'm tired and I really want to go to sleep. I'll finish packing the suitcase tomorrow and I'll be there, just let me sleep," I complained, kicking my legs around. 

Rowan realized when he walked into the apartment and my room that of course, I had too many things to pack up into boxes and move by tomorrow morning, so he told me to pack two suitcases full of all the things I would definitely need that could last me a week or two, and in the meantime, he would have movers pack up the apartment and bring everything over to where he stayed. "Finish packing now," he demanded despite my pleas. "I'll take you back with me tonight and in a few days, everything will be moved for you. You've got half a suitcase left. Get moving." 

"Why? Why? Why?" I groaned, grabbing the pillow that I kept in my lap and throwing it at him, with full force. 

He caught it and tossed it back into my lap easily. 

"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked through gritted teeth, glaring at where he stood in my doorway. This whole time, after he claimed to be here to help me pack tonight, he proceeded to just stand there and watch me pack. When he got bored, he'd roam around my apartment, he even had the audacity to take a snack from my kitchen. 

He ignored me and held my gaze. 

"You said you were here to help me pack, this doesn't seem a lot like helping." 

"I am helping." 

"How?" I asked, exasperated. 

"I'm motivating you. So, pack." 

I threw the t-shirt in my hands into the open suitcase before me. "I'm giving up. I'm going to sleep, I don't care what you say or do. I'm not packing anymore." 

He sighed and rolled his eyes. I watched where he leaned against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles. Quickly, I scanned over him one more time, over the fitted black v-neck and the matching joggers. 

It was rare to see a sight of Rowan like this. It made him seem a bit less... guarded. A bit more normal, like the Rowan I grew up around. 

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