23| Secrets

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Chapter 23: Secrets (Evie's POV)

I was sitting by myself in the room designated for me. Priya left earlier to settle down with the rest of our guests and my Mom left with her, telling me to wait here for Dad who would, of course, walk me down the aisle, and I was left here alone to panic to my death. Horrified, nervous, and extremely fidgety. 

Yesterday, I did plan to talk to Rowan about everything we'd have to do today in detail but it completely slipped my mind amidst all the chaotic preparations. We were running around from one place to another, speaking to guests, good God! It was all too much. I had never imagined a bride and groom being so unprepared and overwhelmed in such a bad way on their fucking wedding day. 

I didn't know if I was supposed to write vows or not. 

So I did. 

I didn't know if I was supposed to wear the daisies in my hair like Nate suggested I do. 

So I did. 

I had no idea if I would have to kiss him. 

Oh my God, what if I have to kiss him? 

The door opened, startling me as I shot up to my feet, eyes wide as I held my breath. 

"You look... horrified, my dear," Dad laughed as he walked over to me. "Relax, Evie." 

"What do you mean 'relax'? How can I relax today? I don't know anything, Rowan doesn't even know anything. At least one of us should," I groaned, sitting back down and throwing my head back, kicking my legs around in frustration. 

"Evie," he sighed and stood behind the chair I sat in. "You gave him your word and he gave you his. Neither of you can back out." 

"I know, I know. I won't back out. I just don't want to ruin it for either one of us. It's still my wedding and for Rowan, it's so much more than that too. His—" I spun around to look at Dad. "Is Mr. Daniel here?" 

He paused in thought and then nodded. "I saw him speaking to Rowan. Rowan did not look very happy and Nate stayed away for Leo's sake, I believe. That is their father, isn't it? Did I get that right?" 

"You sure did," I sighed. 

"All right well, let's go, honey. It's time." 

"No," I whined as he grabbed my shoulders, shaking me gently. 

"Yes," he laughed. "Let's go." 

I took in a breath and pushed my shoulders back before taking one last look in the mirror and then bringing myself up to my feet. I looked down at the wedding dress that Priya and I chose together and brushed my hands over the fabric. 

The gown was fucking beautiful and unbelievably expensive. I loved and appreciated it but it was a huge loss out of my pocket. Rowan did volunteer to pay but I couldn't let him pay for the wedding dress on top of all the debts he was handling for me. 

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