31| Abused

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Chapter 31: Abused (Evie's POV)

I was trying and struggling but trying nonetheless, to tolerate Mrs. Caroline, who is the epitome of a rich man's, rich trophy wife, and I say that with all due respect. I love the woman but she just... talks way too fucking much, that too about every single person attending tonight. 

Amidst our conversation, she waved at somebody behind me with a grin and I turned around, offering Ms. Lilah a polite smile, knowing that she was Mr. Walsh's sister. As she walked away, I faced Mrs. Caroline again. 

"That woman is wearing the most hideous gown and the most horrifying emeralds I have ever seen," she mumbled with a snicker. 

I paused, blinking in surprise and then it dawned on me. This woman was the Regina George of her time. 

"The ugliest shade of green," she mumbled. 

I frowned, glancing at Ms. Lilah's olive green gown and sage green emerald jewelry. "I rather like that shade of green, Mrs. Caroline, don't you?" 

"Not at all," she shook her head with a look of disgust. 


"Well, I suppose it can't suit everybody after all," I smiled politely. 

Her lips formed into a sly smile. "This is why I truly adore you, Evelyn." 

I cringed at the name and released a soft breath of relief when I felt someone take my arm. Spinning around, I saw Nate. "Hi, thank you," I spoke through my grin. 

He chuckled, "Don't thank me just yet," then faced Mrs. Caroline. "Please excuse us for just a moment." Pulling me away, we stopped near a secluded corner. "You need to leave," he said sternly. 


"Take Rowan and go home. Now." 

"Why? What's wrong?" 

He shot me a pointed look. 

"No, what did he do?" I groaned softly. 

"He had one glass of whiskey after the other and is barely sitting still at the bar right now." 

I looked over and saw him sitting there, his back to the room. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I refrained from losing it. "Why would he do that? Especially after lecturing me today and yesterday about how important tonight is and how we just have to be the picture-perfect couple," I ground out. 

"Because first, he saw our father and lost half his mind right there. Then, to make matters worse, our father spoke to him. And now he's wasted. Take him home," he pleaded. 

"What makes you think I can handle him in this state?" 

"The fact that he listens to you, Evie. Only you," he said. "Take him and go. Before Daniel makes this an issue and uses it against us." 

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