48| Love

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Chapter 48: Love (Rowan's POV)

Evie was all mine. 

At least for now. 

And it drove me completely insane. 

She brought up a hand, taking the side of my face while her thumb stroked my skin steadily. "You really hate how you feel about me," she mumbled, sliding her hand down to my shoulder and then tracing my back, her nails gently scratching. 

"I lose control around you. It scares me," I whispered. 

"It scares me too," she nodded softly. "Rowan, I..." she trailed off, her eyes dropping down to my lips. 

"Hmm?" I asked, lifting a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. 

She shook her head hesitantly in response. "Nothing. Just kiss me." 

I chuckled softly, leaning down and pressing my lips against hers, my breath hitching as her tongue traced across my bottom lip before she deepened the kiss, arching into me as her nails scratched down my back again. A soft groan came out of me and I felt her smile against my lips as she gently tugged at the back of my hair. 

Her hands were everywhere, caressing every inch of my skin as her legs locked around me and she drove her hips into mine. 

A low laugh bubbled out of me before I blindly reached for the nightstand and took out a condom, knocking the lamp off in the process. We both paused and looked over to the table. 

She turned to me, a laugh bursting out of her while I dropped my head to her shoulder, chuckling before pressing a kiss there. "You're cute," she giggled, brushing my hair out of my eyes before dragging a hand down my front and then snapping the waistband of my boxer briefs. She simply lifted her brows at me and I smiled, leaning down to kiss her briefly before I slipped them down, rolling a condom on. 

Evie keeps her eyes locked with mine and her breath hitches as I stroke her with my fingers once before lining my hips up with hers and slowly pushing forward, pausing when she gasps softly. 

She shook her head, "Don't stop. Just... slow, go slow," she said breathlessly. 

My head falls down to her shoulder once again while she lets out a low moan before kissing my neck, her teeth grazing my skin. I catch a glimpse of her fists around the sheets as I withdraw from her only to go in a little deeper the second time. With each push forward, I'm losing my mind and getting closer and closer to her. 

She gasped as I repeated the move to the hilt and arched into me, whispering my name into my ear. The way she moans my name has me shuddering and smiling where I kiss her collarbone before trailing kisses down her breasts. "Is that it?" she asked breathlessly. "I thought you said you hated me. It doesn't feel like it," she laughed. 

I pull myself up to look at her. "I'll show you how much I hate you," I said, holding her gaze before thrusting forward harder, pushing deeper, earning another one of her gorgeous moans. Heat rushed over every inch of my skin as she began to match my rhythm, moving her hips with mine. 

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