22| Mine

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Chapter 22: Mine (Rowan's POV)

Today was a very unfortunate day. Today, I was getting married, that too, to Evie Spencer of all people. 

I couldn't forget about it no matter how hard I tried, not right now as I got ready to leave for the church, not last night when the thoughts, more like nightmares, kept me up, and not even when I had the apartment to myself after Priya came and whisked Evie away, explaining that their family very strictly believed that it was bad luck to see each other on the wedding day until the ceremony, therefore, Evie was taken away last night after dinner and would not be back until we ended the wedding ceremony. 

Yesterday, we both were forced to take a day off from work and come check out the church and all the decorations for the ceremony with Priya and Nate. Conveniently, the movers also brought in all of Evie's stuff yesterday, so the day was really just hectic, stressful, and unreasonably chaotic. 

All I could do now was hope that everything would magically come together today when we desperately needed it to. It didn't help that Evie and I argued over a lot of things yesterday and even as she was leaving. So technically speaking, I hadn't seen my fiancé in almost twelve hours, and the last time I did see her, we argued. Again. And now when I see her, we'll be getting married. 

Isn't that great? 

"Uncle Ro-Ro!" 

I looked at the door just a second before Leo came running in and rushed right to me, hugging my legs tightly. I bit down a smile and looked down at him, pulling him away from me enough to get a good look at him. 

He stood there wearing his own little tux with a daisy pinned to it and his hair brushed back neatly. He grinned at me as I knelt down in front of him and fixed the crooked bow tie that I knew for a fact Nate tied. 

We both struggle with ties and bow-ties, weirdly enough, but I'm still much better at them than he is since I wear them often. He just chose to throw them away, usually. 

My eyes dropped to the daisy before going to the door as Nate walked in, adjusting his cufflinks. I stood back up, meeting his gaze. "Cute touch with the daisy," I said. 

"He's not the only one," he replied with a small shrug. I looked at Nate's tux but there was no daisy pinned to his suit. "You'll see," he said smugly. 

I ignored him and grabbed my tie, looping it around my neck and beginning to tie it. 

"Rohan texted me," he said, sitting at the foot of my bed and fixing Leo's hair before pulling him into his lap, holding onto him while Leo absentmindedly played with the watch on his wrist. 

"Who is that?" I asked. 

"Priya's boyfriend. You met him, Rowan." 

"I don't remember him," I replied, grabbing my phone and pocketing it before taking my car keys. 

"Well, he said that Evie's parents are at the church already and he was leaving with her and Priya. They left a while ago, so we should get going too. The guests will start showing up soon, so I'm sorry to disappoint you but you can't delay this any longer. You have to get married in..." He glanced at his watch then said, "Forty-five minutes." 

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