37| Control

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Chapter 37: Control (Evie's POV)

Before he could even respond or move closer to me, I took a step back and sat on the bed. "You know what, it's fine. I'll just wait till it's all dry and then I can change myself." 

He watched me for a beat, his brows furrowing. "You don't trust me?" 


"Do you really think I would try... anything? Do you think I would do that?" 

"What? No, Rowan..." I laughed, staring back at him. "I just don't want either one of us to feel uncomfortable." 

"Are you comfortable in that saree?" 

I bit my bottom lip, trying to laugh at the way he said 'saree'. He said it right but it was just too cute hearing him speaking just a word of my language. "I don't think my comfort is any of your concern," I smiled, holding back a giggle. 

"I think my wife's comfort is very much my concern. If you want help—" 

"But I don't—" 

He cut my laughter short. "If you want help, I want you to be able to ask me, Evie." The way he spoke those words made me think he wasn't just talking about helping me change. "With anything," he added quietly. 

I paused. "Where is this coming from?" 

"You like to think I'm always against you. You like to prove to me that you don't need me, that I can't help you, that just because we're married on paper only, we should keep a distance. This isn't real, I know that too and I don't need you to remind me over and over again," he said calmly. 

"I don't remind you," I shook my head. "I remind myself," I mumbled. "And I'm not the cynical one here." I regretted it the moment the words slipped my mouth. I stood back up, cursing under my breath. "Rowan, I didn't mean that..." 

"You did," he nodded. "And that's fine. It's true. I am cynical. After all, I have every reason to be. I've had people use me for their own interests, Evie. I know by now that you, my dear wife," he said, stepping closer to me, "are not one of them." 

I laughed dryly. "That's nice to hear considering I married you for money." 

"You married me because I asked you to. Because I needed you to." 

I smiled up at him. "I think you're right. It does sound better that way." 

"Hearing me admit I needed you?" 

I hummed, nodding in response. "I still don't get it. You didn't need me, you needed a wife. It could have been anybody, any woman you wanted." 

"Then let's just say I wanted you." 

My eyes narrowed. "I think Nate wanted me for you." 

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