Epilogue 2

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Epilogue 2


Chapter 54: Epilogue 2 (Rowan's POV)

Four years later...


I groaned softly and rolled over, grabbing Evie's hand from where she rubbed my arm. 

"She's waking up," she mumbled sleepily. 

"I hear her," I sighed, sitting up and scratching my head in confusion, still half asleep. 

"Rowan," she whined, kicking my leg. "I'm too tired for this tonight." 

I hummed in response and pushed the covers aside, standing up and walking towards the baby cot at the foot of the bed. I stifled a yawn and reached in, picking up our crying little girl. I held her on one arm and she began to quiet down, resting her head on my shoulder while I patted her shoulder and hummed no particular lullaby, rocking her steadily and pacing around the room. "Evie," I said, walking over to her. 

She merely grumbled in response. 

I looked down at Jules as she lifted her head, both of us staring down at Evie. Jules looked at me. "Mommy won't wake up, I don't know what to do," I whispered, shaking my head. 

"It's Daddy's turn, Jules." 

"Yes, unfortunately, Daddy can't breastfeed," I replied dryly. 

Evie laughed sleepily and lifted her head to look up at me. "I just prepared a bottle before she dozed off. It's on the dresser." 

I chuckled, turning around and ignoring the slap Evie delivered to my ass before I walked to the dresser and picked up the baby bottle, popping the lid off and walking back to the bed, sitting cross-legged against the headboard. I lay Jules down on my lap, putting my hand under her head right above my knee. "I guess this is as close as I can come to breastfeeding, huh?" I mumbled, holding the bottle to her mouth and leaning my head back, closing my eyes in exhaustion. 

In all fairness, Evie did this most nights but to maintain the balance, we took turns every few days. 

Nine months had already flown by since we had our daughter and both of us still couldn't get used to the sleepless nights, the constant crying, or the need to keep an eye on Jules at all times. But finally, we were settling into this routine, slowly though, very slowly. 

I was startled awake again when she pushed the bottle away, not even halfway done, and began getting restless. "Okay, okay," I whispered softly, putting the bottle on my nightstand and pulling Jules up to her feet. 

She stumbled forward while I steadied her with both hands while she rested her hands on my chest, trying to climb me. 

"Why don't you sleep at night, malyshka?" I asked, my brows pinching together, calling her 'baby'. "This isn't fair." 

"Stop talking," Evie ordered. 

Both Jules and I turned to look at her sharply. "Idi bespokoy mama," I said, turning my attention to Jules. Go bother Mommy. 

Jules giggled loudly as I picked her up and lay her down on the bed, walking my fingers up her legs and tummy, tickling everywhere I touched, making her squeal and laugh in delight. "Shh," I laughed, putting a finger to my lips when she screamed before stealing a look at Evie. 

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