The Other Prisoner

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"So you're a prisoner too," you asked softly, drying your tear-stained cheeks. 

"There's no escaping the dragon." 

You couldn't help but feel sorry for this man. How long had he been trapped?

"What was the evil creature? Is it a sentry?"

"Yes," he answered blatantly. 

"Where's the dragon now?"

"He's sleeping. It's not safe for us to talk."

"What does he need me for?"

As the man did not reply, fear crept over you. 

"What's going to happen to me?"

"I've told you too much already. You're on your own now."

You panicked at being left alone in the dark place. You clamored around desperately, trying to find the other prisoner. 

"No, no, no! Please talk to me! Please!" you begged, slapping your hands against the cold stone wall, tears streaming down your face. 

Slapping the stone as hard as you could, you groaned in pain. The wound from your side is bleeding more profusely now. Laying against the ground, you held your side, praying that you could die there. 

"Why did your people sing the ritual song?"

Letting out a small whimper before speaking, you gathered your strength to talk. 

"We thought there were no more dragons."

"You summoned him yourselves?!" he roared. 

"Hoseok wanted it that way."

You laid there in silence before his voice echoed around you again. 

"Who- who is Hoseok?"

"My bridegroom. I didn't know anything about it," letting out a choked sob before continuing you spoke again. 

"I was getting married."

You whimpered, thinking about how your sister had warned you about jinxing yourself, and you had. The silence filled around you, leaving you alone and cold. 

Hearing the sound of falling rocks, you looked around to see a hand sticking out through the wall. 

"Here. It's for your wounds. This will make them heal better," the other prisoner spoke. 

Limping towards the outstretched hand, you noticed him holding leaves towards you. Looking through the hole in the wall, you see his black hair, with sea-green eyes. 

"Oh - you don't look much like a prisoner."

"I don't?" he asked. 

"I imagined you to be all dirty and covered in spider webs. But you look... different."

He smiled softly, his teeth and gums showing as he smiled at you. 

"Thank you," you said softly, taking the leaves from his hands. 

Walking away from the hole in the wall back to your spot, you lift the leaves to your nose, sniffing. 

"It smells nice. What is it?"

"See those leaves above the pit? A paste made from them can heal wounds."

"You know what I realized?"

"What?" he asked softly. 

"We haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Y/N. What is yours?"

"I don't remember my name."

"How's that? How can you forget your name?" you asked. 

"You can. If you don't need it anymore."

Carefully making the paste in your hands, you remove part of your dress to see your wound better. 

Yoongi POV ~

He watched as she removed part of her dress, revealing her shoulder and lower back. He couldn't help but marvel at her beauty. Even in such a state as she. 

"You are... very beautiful, Y/N," he said softly. 

She gasped, quickly lifting her dress, turning her head to look at him. 

"Are you looking at me?" she asked, quivering. 

"Yes," he answered, confused by her reaction. 

"Don't look!"

"Why?" confused by her words. 

"Why"? Don't you understand?"

"No, I don't. I look at birds, at fish... Why can't I look at you?"

She turned away from him, not answering his question. He was about to walk away, leaving her, but her voice echoed to him. 

"Have you tried to run away?"

"You can't run away from here. It's an island."

"So you can sail away."

He huffed, annoyed that she would want to leave him alone. 

"The sea can kill too."

He watched as she started sifting through a pile of stones. 

"I need a big stone."

"What for?" he asked, confused one what good a stone will do for her. 

"Here's the plan: when that evil creature comes back, you'll distract it, and I'll hit it. We'll escape while the dragon sleeps."

"You can't leave the pit!" he shouted. 

He paused, watching as she gathered stones, quickly becoming annoyed with her attitude. 

"No one but the dragon-slayer knows how to kill the dragon. Wait, and he will come for you."

"Enough!" she shouted, turning her attention back to him. 

He pulled away from the hole, afraid of what she might do next. 

"I must escape. Will you help me?"

"It won't work, Y/N! He hears and sees everything. You can't even imagine what he is capable of!" he shouted, afraid that the dragon might awake with all the shouting. 

"You know who you are? That's who you are—a coward. Silly me, I even chose a name for you, coward! Don't you dare look at me again!" she said, her eyes piercing him before shoving a rock into the hole, blocking him from seeing her. 

He could hear her breathing on the other side of the wall, but she had made it clear she didn't want to see him, so he left. 

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