A New Man

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The days seemed to pass quickly, and you couldn't help but feel increasingly fond of Yoongi and Jungkook. Each day brings new adventure and laughter. 

Today you spent on the beach, playing on the sand until you were exhausted. You were laying your body on the cool sandy ground, with Yoongi lying beside you and Jungkook on your other. 

"How far can dragons fly?" you asked. 

"Very far. The winds help us. They are all unique. And all of them are beautiful. When you look at the wind..."

"Are you trying to say that you can see the wind?" you asked. 

"Of course, I can. Can't you?"

"People can't see the wind, Yoongi."

"How can you not see the wind?"

"How can you see it?" you asked. 

"If you'd like, I can show you the wind."

Yoongi stood up, picking some flower petals and holding them delicately. He had a single petal between his fingers for a moment before letting it go, watching as it danced in the wind. 

Slowly he released each petal, all of them dancing in the wind. All of the petals show the different patterns of the wind. You stood fascinated by their beauty and elegance. You turned slowly, looking at them slowly fly away. Turning, you looked at Yoongi, your heart pounding at the sight of him. The way he looked at you made you want to stay with him forever. 

"I think it's going to start now."

"What is?" you asked.

He looked up as thunder clapped, rain beginning to pour. You smiled, laughing as he cashed you around in the rain until you were drenched. 

Heading back to your home, you changed into a soft pink dress that seemed warmer than everything else you had scavenged. 

You heard Jungkook growling. Turning your attention to him, you noticed him digging his head in a bag. 

"Hey, get away from my bag! Do you think I'm a traitor and I want to escape? But how do I know if he can overcome the dragon?"

He whimpered as you gathered the things he had taken out, placing them back in the spot. 

You picked up the knife that had been in your bag, Jungkook immediately growling at you. You stopped looking at the blade and then back at Jungkook. Covering it with a cloth, you carefully placed it in your bag. 

"Don't worry. I might not even need to go anywhere. I packed my bag just in case," you said, watching Jungkook, who was looking at you intently. 

~ Time skip to that evening ~

You laughed as Yoongi told you stories of Jungkook. 

"This place has never been so cozy... until you arrived."

"Well, a few things were new for us," you said. 

Yoongi's gaze could be felt on you as you both sat there.

"By the way, I have something for you," you said, picking up a small flute. 

Placing your lips against it, you played the same melody your sister had sung to you. 

"I think I've heard this tune before. What is it?"

"A lullaby. Mothers sing it, so their babies know mommy is near. Let it be your birthday today. It's a day nobody remembers, but everybody likes to celebrate," you said, studying his face. 

"I remember being born. But I would rather forget," he said, his gaze stuck on the ground. 

"But today, a new man was born. And I am very glad about that. Happy birthday, Yoongi," you said, smiling at him, as his gaze was now fixed on you. 

You held the flute out to him. 

"Let there be other, non-ritual songs in your life."

He carefully took the flute from your hand.

"A new man... Thank you... I've got a present for you too because I'd like for you to remember this day forever."

Following him to the opening, the wind blowing softly around. Yoongi held an object in his hand, the small lamp in your hands. You watched him lean it against a rock. Carefully taking the lamp out of your hand, he burned the end of the object. 

"Close your eyes," he said, turning to you.

You heard a large bang, opening your eyes to see the night sky filled with sparkling colors. 

"I call them celestial flowers."

"They are so beautiful! I bet they can be seen from the ends of the world."

Looking down, you carefully grabbed the cuff of Yoongi's sleeve, holding it in your hands until the sparkling light faded away. 

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