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Y/N POV ~ 

After yelling at the man, you felt lonely and guilty for your actions. But you didn't want to end up like him. You wanted to escape. 

Looking over your shoulder and at the top of the pit, you notice a small ledge that you could use. 

Taking a sharp rock in your hand, you begin sawing your hair off, near your shoulders, to give you a long enough strand. Your braid was resting beside your feet as you stood there cutting away. 

As you tied your braid around a rock, you hummed a song to yourself. The song that your sister would sing to you each night as she brushed your hair. 

"Y/N, hey..." his voice called out. 

Ignoring his voice, you tightened your not, praying to the gods that your plan would work. 

"Y/N, what are you doing there?" he asked again. 

You scoffed at his persistences. 

"None of your business."

"Y/N, I'm not a coward. I hate the dragon as much as you do, but I can't defeat him."

"That's the kind of thing a coward would say," you snapped. 

"Y/N... What name did you choose for me?" he asked, his voice gentle. 


Your gaze wondering to where you had left him. 

"Yoongi, that's a nice name. Why Yoongi?"

"Well... It's exotic... Just like you. And mysterious," you answered, smiling to yourself, the image of his sea-green eyes piercing through your mind. 

"What does it mean?"

"A dream," you answered, sitting with your legs to your chest, your back resting to the shared wall with Yoongi. 

"Forgive me, Y/N."

Looking at the stone, you had shoved in the hole, you turned to stand, reaching for the stone. The desire to see him again was consuming. 

His sea-green eyes stared at you, filled with curiosity. Now that you were standing, you had a better view of his body, revealing that all he had was a torn short to cover his lower half, leaving the rest of him visible. 

You slowly extended your hand to him, hoping he would grasp it. 

"Give me your hand."

"My hand?" he questioned. 

"Now that you have a name, let's get acquainted. When people get acquainted, they shake hands."

He lifted his hand, staring at it like a foreign action to him, before slowly extending it to you, grasping yours in his. You smiled at his actions, your heart beating against your chest. 

"Nice to meet you, Yoongi. I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Yoongi."

He held your hand gently for a moment, his smile showing as he had it. You felt at peace. 

You looked back up at Yoongi, but his expression had changed. He seemed concerned, his grip on your hand tightening, the pain growing in your hand from his tight grip. He pulled your arm deeper into the hole in the wall. 

You gasped at his sudden actions. 

"What are you doing?!" you shouted, desperately trying to free your hand from his. 

The sound of the dragon roaring echoed around you. 

"It's the dragon! Hide, Y/N! No matter what happens, don't leave the pit! Stay there!"

You fell backward as he finally freed your hand. You could hear Yoongi screaming, the dragon roar shaking the wall between you and him. 

You looked through the hole for Yoongi, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

The dragon's roar grew louder until its shadow came over the top of the pit, revealing the dragon, roaring and trying to force its large body into the hole. You screamed, trying to push your body against the wall away from the dragon's reach. Your heart was pounding so hard you could hear it beating in your ears. 

A roar echoed throughout the pit, echoing louder as the sound bounced off the walls. You screamed as its claws got closer towards you until it retracted its claws, giving one final roar before flying off someone on the island. 

Whimpering in the corner with your hands over your ears, you sobbed, realizing you were alone again, believing the dragon must have killed Yoongi, with all the horrible screams you heard coming from him. 

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