The Ending

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Yoongi POV~

"Daddy... Daddy, what do you mean by "she gave him the gift"? Where do dragons' babies come from?... Daddy! Where did I come from? Tell me." the little girl sobbed at him.

Her bright blue eyes stared back at him as she climbed on his lap. He pulled her into his arms, rocking her side to side.

"Well, there used to be this scary ritual, but then..."

"Yoongi, what are you telling her?"

"Sorry. I've told her this story many times, but she wants to know... "

"what happens next," the little girl interrupted.

"Next, the dragons find their children in the sky," Y/N cooed, taking their daughter from his arms.

"But, mommy, you can't fly!"

"When you love someone, you become the happiest you've ever been. And then do you know what you get?" Y/N asked as she laid their daughter to rest.

"Tell me!"

"You get wings, and then you can fly."

"Real wings?" their daughter asked.

"Real wings," Y/N cooed.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Y/N and held her close to him, their daughter fast asleep.

"Let's go," he said, standing.

Y/N grabbed his hand as he guided her away. He looked at Jungkook, who lay next to their daughter.

"And you stay here and guard her."

Walking out to the ledge, Yoongi allowed himself to transform into the dragon.

Lowering his head so that Y/N could climb on, he waited for her to sit on him, holding him tightly before flying into the air.

As they were high enough into the air, Yoongi changed back, allowing their bodies to dance in the wind for a moment. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against hers.

He never thought this was a life possible, and it was only possible because of Y/N. She was his heart. And this would be their lives, forever.

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