-A villain is born-

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(This fic will start before the BNHA canon story line)

"Someone please help! My mommy!" A little girl said, tugging on the pant legs of a random man.

"Get lost brat." He kicked her away but it didn't stop her from trying again with other people.

"Please mister hero you need to help me!" She asked of the man she saw one TV, a hero, he was sure to help.

"Run along kid, I don't have the time for this."

"Bu--" "Go!"


It was dark for a while now but she still made it home.... Or what was left of it.

She lived in a small less fortunate part of the town, the poor side.

"Mommy." She sniffled, having crawled under a support beam of the caved in house, a villain fight caused it to cave in and no one had yet shown up to help the people affected by the fight.

"Hey.... Don't cry...." Her mother said with a smile despite the pain she was in, despite her quirk the woman was unable to free herself, spine shattered from the sudden impact of the wood and stone debris alongside the villain that had been thrown down on the house.

The little girl sat near her mother who only had one arm, shoulder and head free from the rubble's grip.

"No one wants to help...." The little girl said softly.

"I know.... Many people don't care for other then themselves... We are nothing but a stepping stone for them... Even if I was supposed to be a hero like them.... Don't let this world change you into someone like that when you leave this place."

"I will not leave mommy!"

"No you won't..." She set her hand on her daughter's head before pulling the visor she had on her face, something she always wore, with some serious difficulties she passed the strap on the back of it around the little girl's head and let the visor sit there. "But I will go far.... Really far...."

"No please don't leave me!"

"I'm sorry.... Never become a stepping stone darling.... Don't let people control you...."


"Hey fat-ass! Give me that!"

"Hey it's mine!" The girl yelled, the boy tearing her food platter from her hands.

"Nah it's mine!" He yelled back with a large grin as every kid around them laughed.

"Makoto give it back or I swear!"

"Swear what? You are quirkless!"

"That's not true and you know it!"

"You are as good as a quikless nobody!"

She swung first, catching his nose, the two young kids grappling each other and rolling around the orphanage's floor.


She trudged through the rain, hair and clothes sticking to her skin as she wasn't paying mind to where she was going, cold not enough to stop her, she needed to go.

She only grabbed her mother's visor and left that hell-hole in a sprint with no idea where she was going other then that she was going as far from that place as she could.

She wandered the dark streets, no one sparing her a glance as they went on with their life.

She made her way in an alley and sat in between two dumpsters, hugging her knees to her chest, despite the cold and the emotions bubbling deep inside, fatigue won out and she fell asleep despite the storm around her.



Her eyes shot open, it was still dark and the rain had stopped.

"You are a pathetic excuse for a hero!"

She stood up and peeked around the dumpster, knocking over a bottle that clinked on the ground while she did that.

"Ooooh we have a spectator! Make sure to smile!" The odd hunched over man told the bleeding hero, bleeding like her mother had been, crushed, the vision still so clear in her mind even three years after the incident. 

"Run! Call for help!!" The hero yelled but she didn't move, still half hidden, her hands in fists.

"You don't deserve it." She muttered but both figures heard her. "You didn't have time to save my mommy... What a hero you are...."

Not sooner had the girl said that, that a knife was shoved through the throat of the hero wannabe.

She looked up at the laughing man.

His clothes were ragged and torn, several parts of him bandaged up.

"You heard the girl! You don't deserve to be a hero!"

She listened to him.

He finally looked at her fully.

"So." He wiped the blood off his blade. "What's a little girl like you doing here? Alone in the dark? A place where monsters roam."

"Running away." She answered him.

"Oh? What reason would someone like you have to run away?"

"Mean people.... People that see you as nothing more than a stepping stone, look down on you... Nothing but trash under their feet."

"You know a lot about the cruelty of the world for a girl as small as you."

"I learnt early."

There was silence for a while.

"Would you want to show these false heroes where they are meant to be?"

"And that would be?"

"Six feet under ground, where they can't hurt people with negligence, where they can't infect their mind with fake looks of heroism when all they care for is money."

She thought, at the time she didn't know but what she was feeling was hate, hate for the system, hate for the world, hate for hero society.

"Yes." She muttered.

"Well come with me, we'll rid the world of false heroes."

She followed after that strange man.

"Sir what's your name?"

"You got to tell me yours too little girl."

"Kinzoku Kuroka but Kuroka is fine"

"Well I am Chizome Akaguro."

"Chizo--... Chi-..." She struggled with saying his name.

"You can call me by my other name child."

"And that would be?"


A Heroic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now