-Sports festival part.1-

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Kuroka was covering her ears, Tenya was being so loud and then Aizawa oppened the door and all started screaming about him.

She thought he looked like a mummified corpse.

"-ern yourself over me." She heard the end, noticing he started speaking. "After all, the battle hasn't really ended for you yet. U.A.'s Sport festival is approaching, boys and girls!"

She grinned behind her hands, ready to give it her all.

The rest of the class went normal.

"Ey Kinzoku?" She looked over her shoulder at a slightly nervous Mina.


"Us girls were wondering if you'd want to eat with us."

"Why am I included in 'the girls'?" Fumikage's whisper was heard as he was, indeed, in the middle of the group of Mina, Momo, Tsuyu and Kyoka. Out of them all, Momo and Kyoka looking the most expectant.

"Ah sure, I have nothing to lose." She stood and grabbed her bag off the floor.

"What the heck!!!?" She looked over at Ochaco's yell to see people amassing themselves at the door.

"They're crowding the exit like idiots. What the hell are they here for?" Kuroka rose a brow, shoving to the front of her classmates.

"They're scoping out the competition, goggled-bitch" She glared at Katsuki. "They wanna see the gang who came through the villain ambush. They are checking us out before the big battle. It is pointless to try, so why don't you just fuck off, ya goddamn mob!"

"Don't be a bitch." She hissed at him.

"I came to see what you kids are made of, true, but I didn't think you'd be this arrogant. Are all the kids enrolled at the department of heroics this way?"

"Yo-" Izuku covered his friend's mouth before she dug themselves deeper.

"I'm a bit disillusioned. So that's it huh? There's lots of kids who wind up in general education department or other departments because they failed the heroics one, did you know that? And based on the results of the sports festival, people can be even come under review to be transferred to heroics and the reverse is also a possible outcome, scoping out the competition? If nothing else, a general ED kid like me is thinking. 'Hey, why don't I try pulling the rug out from under those heroics kids while they're on their high horses?' Consider it a declaration of war."

"I have enough of this." She pushed away from Izuku and opened the window.

"Kuro?.... KURO!!!" He screamed as she hoped out, running to there.

"See you at lunch!" She said from the ground floor up.


In the two weeks following Kuroka and the rest of 1-A trained tirelessly.

Her rang was limited with her quirk so she worked on it but not only.





Many people at the gym watched the boy with explosions and the girl with a visor fight over one of the many weights of five kilos.


Everyone was gathering in the waiting room in their P.E. uniform, all ready for the sports festival.

Kuroka kicked in the door.

"Yo." She said, falling into a chair.

".... As I was saying I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength. You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you right?" She listened to Shoto talking to Izuku. "I feel no need to pry into that, but.... I'm going to beat you."

"Why is everyone declaring wars?" Kuroka whispered, casting Katsuki a glance, for once in her life she'll get a chance to face him in this festival and he'll learn of the deep hate she has for him because of what he did to her friend.

"-So I'm going to go for it with all my might too!"

"Oh... He grew a pair, finally." She grinned, standing up. "If everyone is declaring wars let me make one too!"

"What?!" Izuku yelled out.



"I have always hated you." She said coldly.

"Kuro." Izuku breathed out.

"No, not this time Izu, I'm sorry." She looked back at the blond boy. "I know of what you did, I was there when you made him cry, I was the one to talk him down from believing what idiocies you whispered, more like yelled, in my one friend's face, for years I wanted to teach you a lesson for hurting Izu, you know what you've done... And you'll pay for it today."


"I'll gladly await you in the finals because I will not be losing, I'll show all these heroes that if a hero killer can become number one then they have some carrier rethinking to do."

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