-messed up hand club-

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Kuroka, with the rest of the boys, woke up in Hose general hospital.

She looked at her boy that was still bandaged up from the building incident and now her left arm was even more heavily tied up, a snapped tendon or something along those line is what she remembers the doctor telling her.

"Miss Kinzoku you gotta understand, you can't keep this up, in the long run you will lose all feelings in your arms."

"That would be bothersome.... Hey where are my classmates? I wanna go see them."

"You can't stand Carrot, or at least can't walk there by yourself, let me help you there." The bunny hero had been called here the moment she showed up at the hospital.

"Don't!" But she was picked up and carried off, she just huffed and let her do it.


"Yo boys." Kuroka said as their room's door was opened.

"Kuro!/Kinzoku!" They called out as she was sat on Izuku's bed as she had pointed it out to the hero.

"How are you all."

"We are alive."

"Good to hear."

"Your hairs nice, you rarely wear it down." She touched the back of her head, feeling the curtain of hair there and now noticing that she was sitting on part of it.

"Oh yeah..."


They talked a while before the door opened.

"Oohh, so the hurt locker's all already awake!" The little man Izuku called Gran Torino said.

"You have a visitor, the chief of the Hosu police precinct, Mr. Tsuragamae Kenji."

"Tsuragamae!!... Chief Tsuragamae!!" Izuku freaked out at the dog headed man.

"Don't worry you can remain seated. I know you had it quite ruff.... So you're the ones who put a stop to the hero killer! You're U.A. kids all right! Actually... Regarding the hero killer... He sustained several burns and cuts, and metal needles still stuck into his body, bone fractures and other serious injuries, and is presently undergoing treatment for them."

"We messed him up." She whispered.

"Since the dawning of the phenomenon... The police have emphasized leadership and protocol and made it a point not to wield the quirks of individuals as weapons. So then heroes rose up to fill that gap, becoming a profession of equal validity. Of course such individual weaponization... Is a force that can cause injuries very easily. So the reason that the public can fully recognize such prospect that, normally, would face due censure is because their forebears adhered strictly to rules and morals, and the likes. On the other paw, those who aren't qualified yet might hard others through the use of their quirks without the direction of their guardians or supervisors. Ever if the opponent were, say, the hero killer himself, this is nevertheless a top caliber violation of the rules."

"Excuse me but I was given permission to use my quirk." Kuroka butted in.

"I did give her permission yes." Rumi nodded when the dog man looked at her.

"You three pups." He turned to the boys, not taking her into consideration since she guessed a pro's word was enough to clear her of punishment. "And all the pro heroes which is to say, Endeavor, Manual, Gran Torino, you six must all be handed down an adequately impartial punishment."

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