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(I fully feel like each time Kuroka gets angry and does a 'Ah?!' 'What?!' 'Hey!!' 'Dammit' or anything of the sort it has the same energy as when in the song uptop the singer goes 'HUUUH?!', I feel like this is also do fit her lol.)

Time skipped since last chapter to the 'event':

"Hey!!" Kuroka hit her fist on Izuku's dorm room, already accompanied by Tsuyu, Ochaco and Eijiro.

"Y-yeah?" He opened the door to find his classmates all there. "Why are you all here?" He rubbed the tiredness from his eyes.

"You got the message like all of us, you should be aware already." She held up the phone she got from the bunny hero so Izuku could read the few worded message, her classmates once again reading their own messages, having been glancing down every few moments to check it was still not them imagining them.

Izuku squinted at the bright screen as it was already dark before his eyes went wide.

Morning 6am, operation start.

"So it is time." Kuroka nodded as he spoke, pocketing her phone.

"Honestly neither one of us could sleep since we got the message which is why we are here and I am more then sure everyone else got the message." Kuroka added on. "We were thinking of already heading there since the operation starts in few hours."

"Right, let me grab my stuff!"

"We'll wait for you outside Deku." Ochaco said, her usual smile lacking, all of them grasping the important of this.


And despite getting there along with their senior students many hours earlier, along with the other pros, the students were outside the room as the pros discussed the final plans.

Kuroka had loaded up on her piles and was currently fastening the belts holding on her metal pieces covering her thumb, flexing her wrist and shaking her arms out to test the whole arm contraption.

She did the same with her leg protections, testing the ridge on them before tightening the elastic band on her visor slightly.

"What's taking them so long man!?" Eijiro slammed his fists together.

"I'd wish I knew." Kuroka said.

"Don't hurry them, they must finalize the plans."


Kuroka was surprised about the amount of police officers gathered there to assist them.

"If you see even the slightest hint of suspicious behavior or resistance please deal with it immediately! Our opponents are Yakuza type who, at the very least, survived long enough to see this day so I want everyone of you fulfilling your roles to the utmost without letting your guards down for a single second! Now move out!" The police man that said that then went to ring the doorbell of the house, talking about some warrant and how this was legal procedures before a huge man several times taller and beefier then normal burst out of from behind the gates, sending the nearest cops flying.

"Fuck!" She barked as the man swung. "They knew we'd come!"

She waited for him to punch into the ground before leaping and landing on the arm that was in the ground and spinning to kick in his mask's nose.

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