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"Is he serious?" Hanta asked as Mirio stretched out, all of class 1-A in the Gamma Gymnasium.

"Oh I'm dead serious!" Mirio said.

"This will be just like fighting you Kuro!" Izuku said.

"If this is like fighting me as you all did last time we have already lost." Kuroka said with a bummed tone.

"I heard of you, former villain, and of your entrance exam to U.A. To be honest who didn't hear of it?" She glanced at Mirio. "I always wanted to compare up to the hero killers so you and all of your comrades feel free to come at me from wherever and whenever you want! SO! Who's up first?!"

"I'll go!" Kurkoa barked up, taking it as a challenge but Izuku had spoken up at the same time.

"The two problem children eh?! That's what I am talking about! As I thought you are filled with energy!!"

Kuroka waited for Izuku to launch first, measuring her attack to his, he was aiming for Mirio's face with his right so she'd kick at his legs from the left, trapping hi-- His top fazed through his body and fell on the ground along with the rest of his clothes.

Kuroka averted her eyes with a frown, throwing her kick with clothes eyes but she hit nothing.

"Straight to the face and knees huh?"

She opened her eyes to see tape, a naval laser and some acid spray faze through his body.

"Oh no this is the fight with that girl all over again!" She thought in alarm, remembering the pain and sacrifice for the win in that fight but this boy didn't glow like she did, his body looks completely normal, just with things passing through it.

And the next second the combined attack forced her and Izuku to jump backwards since it would have hit them in they hadn't moved.

"HE'S GONE!!" Tenya yelled and it was right, Mirio was gone.

"CAREFUL!!" Kuroka yelled back but he had already emerged from the ground behind Kyoka.

"I SUPPOSE I SHOULD START WITH THE LONG RANGE ONES EH?!" Mirio yelled from behind her, throwing a devastating punch into the girls stomach as Kuroka started to count, measuring the seconds in horror as she watched the boy slip into the ground and get launched out of it, naked, but with powerful punches laying out everyone with a single hit.

"POWERRRRRRRRRRR!!!" He yelled out with a large smile and furred brows.

"Five seconds." She whispered in horror as all the ranged attackers of her class were taken out. "Not even I was that efficient and I fought to kill." She muttered. "Five fucking seconds."

"Seems that I am faster then you with one hit take downs miss V.I.R.... And so it seems that only the close-ranged ones remain."

"I have no idea how he's doing it!" Ochaco yelled in fear, a similar fear as to when they were fighting Kuroka for the first time, a fear none missed. "He's already so strong by being able to faze through us but teleportation too?! Isn't he basically invincible?!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!!" Mirio called out, making most of 1-A tremble.

"There's gotta be a trick to all this, the same as that girl's?" Kuroka asked.

"Whether he's using a fazing quirk to teleport or a teleportation quirk to faze, whatever it is he'll be using a direct attack. If we aim for that moment to counterattack we should be able to touch him!"

A Heroic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now