-Goodnight Sir-

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Kuroka stood, staring through the windows of the hospital room.

Eri had developed a fever after Aizawa stopped her quirk and was currently being treated.

She had been quarantined meaning no one could visit her.

"--No one can visit?" She heard her thoughts spoken by someone else.

"This is a choice made with the information we have about her, she can't control her quirk, anything could trigger her to activate it and if it weren't form my quirk we could not stop her.... Kinzoku I see you are here, that means I won't need to find you."

She looked at her friend and teacher with a tilted head.

"Kuro!" He said, his friend seeming different to him before he noticed she didn't have her visor as it was still with Eri.

She waved.

"Hey Izu, up already?"

"Yeah, like you I assume but Eri's quirk healed me to full energy before it was canceled."

"Yeah." She looked at her arm. "The metal in my blood contains pieces of inorganic material, it is metal, but since it was from my blood her quirk even rewound that into its small particulates... And why were you looking for me?"

 "You'll see, both of you come, time is of essence here."

"Sure, lead the way."

It was a short skip away where they were going.

Aizawa pushed them in a room.

She saw the centipede hero Centipeder, Bubble girl, Recovery girl and All Might all in the small room.

"Why are you all here?" Izuku called out.

"I asked him to come because.... Sir was always thinking about All Might." Bubble girl started crying as her centipede coworker handed her a tissue.

"Unfortunately there's nothing we can do... Honestly, it is a miracle he's still alive right now." A male nurse said.

"At this point my powers won't help either." Recovery Girl said. "I'm sorry to say this, but we don't think he'll last to see tomorrow...."

Wide, her eyes stared at the hero laying in bed with tens of tubes sticking in his stomach and, for a reason she hated, felt defenseless, weak.

"Nighteye...." All Might broke the deafening silence.

"You finally came to see me.... When I'm on my deathbed?" Nighteye quietly asked, his voice straining as if a single word cause unimaginable pain, slowly everyone was nearing his side.

"I don't even know how to reply to that... I've done such an awful thing too."

"Nighteye! You can't go! You have to live! Hang in there!" Izuku called out, Kuroka grabbed his shoulder gently.

"You humble yourself too much, it's not like I blame you or anything." He answered All Might. "All I wanted... Was for you to be happy... That's why... If you've decided to fight against fate... I'm fine with that..."

"I want you to fight against fate too! Please! Let me make amends for everything I've done!" All Might asked, Kuroka felt like she was the only one who already accepted that the hero would pass on.

"Making amends... I also owe a lot of people... For troubling them.... Up until now... I've been searching for every possible way to change your future... I wanted to change the future where you are killed... Searched all this time but nothing worked... I couldn't change a single thing.... But you children.... Kinzoku, Midoriya, you lived despite the unchangeable future, you both did, you showed me a way.... I always was doubtful, that change was impossible.... Those thought were always stuck in the back of my mind... I think I know why... It is wishing for a better future, from deep in your heart that changed the future, you truly believed and that changed it... The future is never certain, you changed my views on that, I am very satisfied with that however I regret one thing..."

"SIR! NIGHTEYE!!" Mirio burst in, a nurse trying to hold him back from running with his injuries. "NO! PLEASE DON'T DIE! YOU CAN'T GO! YOU JUST CAN'T!" He gripped the side of the metal gurney.

"Mirio... I've made you experience so much hardship, if only I had been more astute."

Kuroka hated her quirk in that moment, as everyone's blood carried metal and she was able to sense metal around her, she could how his heart was slowing down. She had to train so hard to stop feeling it, to learn to ignore it and now this feeling was all around her, unable to tear away from it, feeling death creep in and this time, not happy about it.

"You taught me everything! It's because of you that I've gotten so strong! And it's because of you that I'm still alive now!! Please you have to keep teaching me!! You can't die!!"

Even she had tears in her eyes, having seen him as nothing but a jerk until not long ago, until like hours ago... But still.

"Mirio.... It'll be alright." He cupped his interns face. "You are becoming an outstanding hero... This is the only future that we shouldn't change.... So please.... Keep smiling... All of you..."

"Nighteye." She couldn't help it, the boys already crying, the hero on his last breaths.

She reached out, hand gently on his shoulder.

"You...." She breathed in a fast breath, looking up for a moment to keep her own tears at bay before looking in the eyes of the tired man. "You..." She pulled the most unconvincing smile, unable to muster a real one but it was a smile nonetheless. "Y-you are a true hero." She whispered, a tear slipping through.

"This is..... Good..... To.... Know...." He muttered with his own smile that was much better then hers, smiling at the child he knew the least out of them all outside of the hero killer title she wore but he didn't need to use his quirk to know where her future led, like many, he had watched the sports festival and the news, he heard of what she did and saw it too, seeing what this girl was and would become. "You'll.... Become... A... Beautiful.... Hero...."


She clenched her teeth, spinning around and hugging Izuku, hiding her face against him.

His day ends with a peaceful smile on his face.... Goodnight Nighteye.

(I cried like a baby writing this :,) )

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