-Re-homed again-

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Kuroka sat on the corner of the her as she listened to her teacher and the pro housing her talk, blankly staring at the text book in her lap.

She was trying to cut out all she was hearing but unwanted snippets slipped in and registered in her brain, wanting to make her turn to TV going on in the background up louder to not hear.

They were thinking of making her stay at U.A.

She was sure it was because of what she did, she was sure she wore Rumi's patience too thin and now she was looking for a way to get rid of her.

"Alright, then bring her when you have time." She bit the inside of her cheeks when she heard this.

She shut the book with a frown and stood.

She clicked her window open, if she was chased out she'd leave first.

She grabbed her bag and the few things she owned got folded into it, and hoped out the window.


She walked away, not wanting to be found just yet and she knew the one place not many would search for her there as little to no one knew.

The graveyard with a now known to be empty grave.

"Hey, I am back a bit earlier then usually.... Tho now you are not here so I am talking to a piece of paper with your picture on it." She said, sitting on the stone ground near the grave.

"How did I never notice you were not in here?" She put her hand on the marble box that surrounded the coffin that should be in there, even now she didn't dare to check, not about to do something so undignified to her mother's grave.

"Why can't life be fair for once? Can't people see sometimes it is the circumstances that force us to act? If I didn't go with them that day they might have never found out where the villains were in time or who know what would have happened to the boys.... The irony of Katsuki being the one to know the truth, that big mouthed brat... Is the only one to trust my words fully.... I am so tired... I just want all this stop..."

She crossed her arms on the grave and laid her head on them.

"Can't I be myself without something bad happening?" She cried softly, leading to tears and sobs.


She blinked, snapping out of her thoughts at the first drop of rain falling.

She looked up, the drops splashing on her visor.

"I think I should go, I am making her look for me for nothing." She stood. "See you when I have the time again... Which might not be for a while... I just hope I won't get to see what they made out of you again..."


When she opened the front door she was soaked to the bones, clothes clinging to her skin, bandages drenched, hair flat and stuck to her skin, visor misted with water.

"God, you made me worried! Where were you? I had to lie to Shota that I knew where you were so he--" "Whatever, I don't care, just let me through." She cut the pro hero off, walking past her.

"Hey, why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

"Doesn't matter, I'll get out of your hair soon enough!" She dropped her bag on the ground, grabbed the front of her shirt and wringing it out, water already pooling at her feet anyway, before smoothing out the wrinkled shirk.

"What? You can't do what you want and go off."

"Well I can't do that can I? Trapped between the walls of U.A."

"So you staying at U.A. would be the problem here?"

"The problem? The problem is that I am being shipped from place to place with no say in it, like I am a damned object to throw away when you don't want me anymore."

"Carrot I think you are misunderstanding this." Rumi shook her head. "It will be in dorms that you'll be staying, with the others. This is not to separate you from everyone but to keep all students safe on U.A. grounds."


"Hey I am not abandoning you but I think it is the safest for you so I agreed." She pat her head.

"Stop touching me!" The former villain hissed, fixing her wet hair, making the pro laugh.

"You silly Carrot, no need to get pout-y, you could have listened in on the conversation and you'd know this."

"I am not pout-y!"

"How cute."


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