-Sports festival part.3-

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She zoned out, remembering seeing it on the TV of a store when she was still homeless, watching the sports festival on it as one of her pass times.


As she looked up she saw everyone staring at Izuku, making her understand his first place made him a prim target.


"Kuro." She faced Izuku and Ochaco. "Come on, we'll make a great team together, Iida already said no we need someone fast and strong."

"Izu.... I'm sorry..." She sighed and he looked bewildered. "Like everybody here I want to win, like Tenya, I will refuse to team up with you, I hope there is no hard feeling."

"T-there isn't, see you in the matches."

"You better make it." She grinned. "I will crush you myself!"

"I'll have it no other way."

She pat his shoulder.

"Izu that was not what you meant to say."

She turned away and walked.

"Wha-KURO!!!" She chuckled as he yelled.

"So girls, do tell me your quirks and why do you think that together we'll win?"

"Name's Zeno.... I can take pictures with my eyes and holding the picture it produces I can travel back in time and change the event and only I'll remember the changes." A short black haired girl said with what looked like camera lenses for eyes.

"I'm Karito, I can die and come back within a minute, no injuries, nada, even when I am alive I heal fast plus I can summon souls to fight for us." Another black haired, but this one long, girl said to her, eyebags under her black eyes and looking bored. "She is Hana, can't talk because of that flower, some sort of plant quirk where those vines on her arms can be used to attack and defend." The short bobbed green haired girl waved at her, thorn-y vines doing the movement in sync with the human arm.

"You are luck your quirks are worth my refusal to work with my best friend. My quirk is metal manipulation but if you wanna be iffy I have a second body enhancing quirk, I can do a lot with metal that exists outside or inside my body and don't always need that to fight. Call my Razor-blade."

"Wow, The villain in rehabilitation?"

"They call me what now?!" Kuroka was shocked.

"Villain in rehabilitation.... Rumors are there is a villain in 1-A but no one know which student it was."

"So THAT's why most classes avoid ours." She realized before smirking. "Well girls, lets win this~"


Kuroka stood on top as the cavalier as her quirk was the most offensive of the four girls with Karito in front with her ability to heal through most damage done to her, even if fatal, Hana guarded their left side with her vine that had a long enough reach to cover all sides if needed and Zeno was on the left, a picture printing out of her mouth and holding it with a semi-frown.

Team Kinzoku

Kinzoku 200p
Kino 125p
Shiozaki 110p
Ranko 155p

"Lets go!" Kuroka punches her own palm with the 590 point total headband on her head. "Get ready Izuku!"

As the start was blown, all teams, without being needed to be given an order by their cavalier, rushed at Izuku's team.

"Faster bitches!" Kuroka yelled, holding her hand out and her own teams and all the surrounding teams metal zipper pieces were ripped from their uniform and gathered near her hands, she cupped them, the cloth pieces falling from her hand as she was left with a few marble shaped and sized metal pieces.

She threw her hand up towards the jet-pack using group but hissed when her didn't do much damage to it, just tearing the edge of the thrusters away.

"Left!!" She yelled, yanking herself in a crouch to avoid a arm of someone aiming at her headband.

She through her hand out.


Kuroka grinned, putting Toru's headband around her neck.

"Right! Prepare to catch me!" She yelled.

"WHAT WAIT!!" But she already jumped off, landing on Mezo's folded six arms, thrusting her arm in the hole where she saw Minoru with the headband and yanked it off and she jumped back before Tsuyu's tongue could catch her, putting the headband on too.

"SHIT!" She landed on the back of Karito who just jumped forwards.


"Well the cavalier has not touched the ground, that's the only rule so they are still in the game."

Kuroka grinned as she sat back on the other two girl's shoulders until the third got up and could stand.

"Why did you push me?!" Karito yelled at the photograph girl.

"I-if I didn't she would have fallen and we'd be out." She said, holding up a new picture she just took. "Told you I can go back in time to when I took the picture, she did fall, I saved us."

"THANKS!" Kuroka yelled, pulling the metal balls off the ground and sending two flying Mezo who came to try to get the headbands back but three thorn-ed vine blocked the way too, lashing out at them.

"Damn this is cool!" Kuroka laughed. "AFTER IZUKU!!"

She grinned up at the scoreboard, her team being in fourth and for now that was enough for her as they would qualify.

The girls ran after the still flying Izuku as Kuroka tried to catch them with her quirk, ripping the propulsion boots the girls in the group were wearing.

Kuroka saw Shoto's team zap by Izuku's.

"Right!" She barked as Katsuki's was near. "OY POMERANIAN!!!"


Both jumped off to meet in the air, arms raised.

"TIME UP!!!"

Both froze and fell down on their face on the ground.


Kuroka grinned, watching the score.

"There is too many students still so next even will be a short one used to eliminate a few get ready!"

Kuroka didn't care, she knew she'd win that one too, she was ready.

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