-A well deserve break-

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Kuroka first saw brightness before she blinked and shapes came in, a hospital room.

She looked around and not five minutes later a nurse came in.

"Oh you are awake, please take this, you can swallow it or chew it up, which ever you prefer, I'll be right back."

She looked at the mentos sized and shaped thing that was probably medicine before she even had the time to speak, it left a little dusting of white on her fingers as she rolled it around before doing as told and biting through it to small pieces before swallowing it.

"Iron-y." She said, tasting the metal in it.

When the doctor came in she finally had an answer to a lifelong question.

"What do you mean..."

"What I say it true, we ran tests, your body naturally keeps more iron and flowing through your veins compared to the average human, that's how you are able to create several pencil length and thickness rods of metal you pull out of your blood before starting to struggle as iron is what carried oxygen through your blood. Your body can't replenish it's iron levels on its own and as the day goes by, like for any human, parts of it gets filtered out."

"So that's why high iron foods helped when I was starting to feel light headed.... How did I never realize anything?"

"You live most of your life with iron deficiency, many people do but for you it could and would be dangerous in the long run so while you were out we worked out these complements, you'll need to take one ever four hours or could take several at the same time to top of the levels and not need one for a while, if you do this you will never get light headed but I don't advise you to keep on with doing this, it takes a while for these to dissolve and enter the bloodstream even if chewed up, you need to be careful."

"Thanks." She grabbed the packet that looked like a cigarette box with no logo on it but it was filled with more of these pills.

"Here is the prescription to be able to get it in the pharmacies custom made, I am sure a quirk could get you more." She read the back of the packet where they had printed out what was in it.

"Alright, am I free to go?"

"I'll call your legal guardian." The doctor stood up and left.

"Legal guardian?"


"Since when are you my legal guardian?" She asked the bunny hero. (I just realized Rumi is not yet 5th pro hero but 6th since All Might still works.... Lets ignore that problem.... All Might is pro hero 1+)

"Well you are not an adult and for now you live with me, kinda logical that I'd be made to sign a legal guardianship form with you going to U.A." The hero explained to the grumpy girl.

"Whatever..." She shut up, trailing a few feet behind her in silence. "Kuroka."


"The name's Kinzoku Kuroka."

"Kinzoku... The deceased number twenty-second pro hero Magnet... I knew you looked familiar."

"You knew her?" She asked, glancing at the hero who was looking at her over her shoulder.

"Not that much, she was already a hero when I started my own schooling at U.A., back in the day, I worked along side with her when I accepted an internship for All Might after the U.A. sport festival.... She was nice, a bit dotting but nice."

"You know more about my own mother then I do." Kuroka grumble to herself, tightening her fist around the packet, hands in pockets. "But yeah, I remember, she loved almost everything until the end."

"Hey I am sure she'd be proud despite the start you took."

"I know, she was the one that told me to not be a stepping stone."

"Ah she gave you your stubbornness ey?" Rumi knocked on Kuroka's head, as if the stubbornness would open a little door in her skull and come out to complain about the knocking. "What I know for sure is, being a villain or a hero, as long as you were happy she'd have been happy too Kuroka."

She rubbed her head, soothing the gentle ache Rumi caused.

The rest of the walk to her current home was silent.


"There will be food in the fridge if you are hungry." The bunny hero told her, pointing with her thumb at the fridge. "You have been given a week off after the villain attack on the U.S.J. but you slept through most of it at the hospital, you have two days remaining."

"Right, thanks." She said, Rumi talking to her from her spot near to Kuroka's given room.

"Of course, that's why I am here, to keep an eye on you but also make sure you don't starve."

"Lovely." She opened the door before stopping in the doorway. "Rumi?" She called her name.

"Yes?" As she looked over her shoulder she almost smiled as the irony that the bunny hero was munching on a carrot right now. "Need something?"

"No, nothing.... It's just.... I don't think you are a false hero." She closed the door behind herself and dropped herself on her bed, she slept for almost six days but she needed to sleep it off and this time, it came to her easily.


Rumi stood with her mouth slightly agape as she'd heard all about the 'false hero' talk both hero killers were known for.

She smiled and took another bite from the carrot, feeling proud as if it was that day all over again, the day when her name first appeared in the top 10 of heroes in Japan.

"What can I say to that?" She asked the closed door. "You are not a false hero either, on the contrary, I feel like you'll be a good hero, a bit violent, but a good one, Kuroka."

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