-Fight on-

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"Izu move!" Kurkoa yanked him back as a boy threw the ball and they smashed into the ground, digging underground.

"Everyone get down! I'll take care of this!" Kyoka called out, her earphone jack locking in her hand mounted speakers with blasted the ground enough to shatter it, breaking it all up.

"Move!!" She shoved the girl back as she kicked the ball now flying through the air, freed from the ground but heard a 'beep'. "Hmm." She eyed the target on her left leg as it glowed red without much care, she kicked the ball that had touched her up from the ground and kicked it again, hitting the target of an opposing student.

"MAXIMUM POWER!!!!!" She whipped around when she heard the scream before the earth shattering Kyoka brought on was dwarfed by the one brought on by the boy that had a similar hair style to Izuku.

Earth splitting and breaking, pieces flying, forced the students of 1-A to split to avoid being trapped and stuck.

As Kuroka made her way out of the 'blast zone' she ended up in a different part of the arena, deciding to walk around not go back there.

She held one of her balls in her hands as she neared a nearby fight if the sounds coming by were anything to go by.

She touched a metal pole and pulled part of it as if it was playdoo, making small balls from it and pushing it through the foam of the balls, making it much easier for her control.

She peeked around the corner and spotted two with surprisingly mundane quirks in today's world fighting.

A girl that seemed to have the power to breath and control fire against a boy that could turn his body into water and control that element.

She grinned.

"This is my winning ticket, sorry guys but I am passing this exam." She thought, making her six balls float up because of the metal in them.

"Boo!" She yelled, making both kids stupidly look at her and freeze as she launched them.

Her grin fell as only the girl's colored targets lit up while the boy's were hit with other balls before hers hit.

"Dammit!" She crouched down as she heard more yelling as wind picked up.

She snuck near to the exit of the ally and saw the wind boy's quirk ravage the big group of other students as he sucked all the balls to him with his quirk and threw them with scary accuracy.

"120 examinees have been eliminated!! One person has taken down 120 people to pass!!"

"Damn, I better stay hidden from him and his Shiketsu classmates, more trouble then wort--" 'Beep'.

Kuroka jumped away, eyeing the owner-less hand that grew out from the ground and pressed a ball to her other ankle target.

"Dammit!!" She put her hand over the one on her chest for a moment before dropping it. "I can't lose now!!"

She glared as the hand pushed on the ground and a girl pulled herself out of the ground.

She was dressed in what looked like simple street clothes, nothing too heroic outside of what looked similar to Izuku's spring shoes.

"You shouldn't get distracted U.A. student, not good for your chances of passing~." The other student shook her finger in disappointment before grinning. "Now be a good girl and lose!!" She threw the ball and it has a blue glow to it.

"Like hell!" But Kuroka's eyes went wide as the ball fazed through her leg as she kicked it, passing through as if it was a ghost but she also had tricks up her own sleeve.

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