-Sports festival: 1 vs 1-

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(I saw the bunny heroes written Mirko, Miruko and even Mirkuo... One the fan website it is Mirko so I saw that first amma use that, in case me not saying Miruko was pissing you off.)

At the end of the short event, a boy she didn't know, Mashiro, Yuga and all the girls she teamed up with were disqualified.

"Man, I'd have loved to fight either three of you." Kuroka said to them.

"Maybe another time, it was good to meet you." Zeno waved her off as they parted way.


She grinned as she approached the winners group.

Denki and Minoru looked at her weirdly and she raised her brow before she got her answer.


She looked over and saw all the rest of the girls of 1-A in mini skirts and with cheerleader pompoms.

"K-kuro breath!" Izuku said in a worry as she crouched down, hands together as if she was praying and head head bent down so she was staring at the ground.

"Izu bury me next to my mother."


"I already see the light."



(I found an alternate match up chart on accident and I quite like it, I am going to describe the new fights a little but not that furrowly as some might like. Kuroka is in instead of Aoyama!)

She looked up at the chart and then at Momo who was back in her P

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She looked up at the chart and then at Momo who was back in her P.E. uniform.

"Looks like you are up against me magic girl!" She said with a wide grin.

"Looks like it, don't go soft on me just because my quirk is not as flashy as yours got it?!"

"Like hell I'll go ease! This is a tournament! Everyone is giving their all so I will too!"

"Then I'll go with my all too! I will beat you Kuroka."

"Same back at you Momo!"


The first match up was Izuku against Hanata and no matter how much of a friend Izuku was to her she couldn't cheer him on as it was quite a losing battle.

This was the second time she saw him activate his quirk, first was the Razor-blade VS 1-A battle and it ended just as bad as that one had.

As 1-A sat in their look out Kuroka was seeing Izuku break two of his fingers to send the tape back towards his enemy.

"SMAAAASH!!" The third finger broke up the ground of the arena and sent the tape back so fast Hanata didn't have the chance to avoid it and got tangled up in it, Izuku rushing him despite the pain and knocking him out of bounds.


Second was Ibara and Mei which she had used to go to the bathroom and didn't watch.

Arriving back she saw the vines of the girl mangle the metallic creation of the girl but so distracted that she didn't notice Mei come up with huge giant sheers, out of nowhere, and cut her hair, literally hip bumping her out of the arena before promptly giving up as she didn't want to fight the boy who'd break his bone to win.


Third was Shot and Fumikage.

Despite Shoto not using his fire it was a hard fight, Dark shadow hurt by the by Shoto's ice until Shoto outsmarted it and sent Fumikage out of bounds.


The fourth fight, Tenya and Eijiro's last longer then any would think, Eijiro's shield of a quirk held out well against Tenya's kicks but he was soon pushed out of bounds.


Fifth match, despite Mina's acid quirk Tetsutetsu's quirk held up and he won. Kuroka even thought it was the same as Eijiro but with metal, it would have been a quick fight against him but she was facing Momo.


Shinsou, too all surprise, in match up six, almost walked Katsuki out of bounds as the blond couldn't help but yell back, what caught her attention was the purple haired boy's desperation about his 'villain' quirk but Katsuki, after blasting a hug hole in the ground had sent him out of bounds, too angry to be controlled.


She left her look out, getting to her room to get ready for her match.

"Hey." She called to the purple haired boy.

"What?! Are you here to rub it in that 1-A is so much better?! With you heroic quirks?! The only reason I didn't get in is because the test was against robots!!"

"Don't yell at me!" She barked back. "And no.... I didn't come here for that."

"To comfort me? Hooow nice."

"Don't get snappy.... I just wanted to let you know your quirk is not villainous, it can be powerful and used for good."

"And what would you know?!"



"That's my name, Hero killer, Razor-blade.... And look at me, in 1-A.... I think that if I got in you can too.... Me who actually is a villain.... Boy, do not become a stepping stone for others.... Never." And she left him to his thoughts.

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