-Test of courage and betrayal-

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"Ayo Momo!" Kuroka called out. "What's that on your bag?"

"Huh? This?" Momo held the bag up, pointing at the small smarties sized white half sphere with a red dote on it, it flashed red once in a while.

"Yes, it was making light at night." She grumbled.

"It is a small tracking device linked to my phone so in case I lose my bag I can find it."

"So cool, could you make me one? I am quite poor and can't afford to lose much things, knowing myself I'll leave it something behind and well you could remind me."

"Oh sure." She created her a small clip on tracked with a blue little light. "I'll keep in mind how forgetful you say you are."

"Thanks." She stuck her tongue out to her, forcing her smile to not waver, scared each time night approached.


"So there we have it. B-class will be first up at scaring people, and A-class will have pairs of two leave every three minutes. In the middle of the route, there'll be a card with your name written on it, take it back with you as proof!"


"Come on you are a villain as you like to say, act like it."

"I never did good with events I don't at least have a little control over." She grumbled to the student she got slotted with. "Damn did you fart or something? It stin--." She cut herself off and bounced herself off the ground and up in the tree branches.

Her legs were hooked around the branch and she was hanging upside down, not really caring as her goal was to get out of the smoke.

"Poison." She said even if all it did was render the kid with her unconscious.

She saw black smoke rising so she climbed the tree and pinpoint the location.

She gritted her teeth as she knee even Katsuki, in his anger, no matter how deep it might be, on the inside thought of his classmates safety and would never start a fire.

"Everyone!!!" She heard the voice of on of the wild wild pussycat's, the telepath quirked one. "Two villains have invaded the area!! It's possible there are still more lurking in the shadows! Those who are capable head immediately to the facility!! If you should come face to face with the enemy, do not engage them in combat! Continue your retreat!"

"Shit!" She hissed, covering her mouth and dropping in the clearing smoke, hoisting the student over her shoulder and jogging off.


"Hey! 1-A girl!" She looked at the metal boy and the group he was part off.

"Yo!" She stopped. "Hey Momo!" Since she was the only one she knew the name off she only addressed the greeting to her. "What's with the masks?"

"Here, they filter out the air." Tetsutetsu said, working on throwing her one which she put on.

"Thanks! Now lets all move it!"

The little group ran as Kuroka was at fight with herself as she knew the moment had come.

And despite them running for their life possibly she wasn't present, locked inside her mind.

Suddenly all came to a halt for her.

A Heroic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now