-League and Frappes-

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Kuroka stumbled, barely was she in the portal that she was out of it.

She hit the arm away.

"I apologize, this was the only safe way of getting you here." She looked at the man seemingly made out of shadows and both him and her were standing in a dark room. "Fell free to relax, I am purely here to pass on a message."

"Ah?!" She rose a brow. "And who the fuck are you?!" She flexed her hands, the nails holding the floorboards down being yanked out and floating around her hand. "Well? Speak, before I put a hole through your head."

"I wouldn't advise hurting the messenger Razor-blade."

"So you know me, great, now tell me who you are."

"You can called me Kurogiri."

"Well Kurogiri, why did you drag me into this dark room?"

"My master is building a team from the strongest around to serve his masterpiece, to aide him bring down hero society as a whole by killing All Might, and he has requested you."

"What would I get from it?" She tsk-ed through gritted teeth, arms crossed. "What could anyone get from being a pawn to others?"

"Anything you might request, power, fame, money, you just need to choose to join the league of villains."

She snorted, fist up in front of her mouth.

"I will not join your league of losers, seriously? League of villains? Be a bit more creative next time will you?"

"Joining is not a must but I'd advise to do, strongly."

"Look." She dropped her arms, frowning behind her face-mask. "Kurogoro." "Kurogiri." "Whatever, I will not be a stepping stone for someone's who wants to bring down the only true hero this world has ever seen.... Plus I work better alone."

"Alright." He said calmly before the darkness making up his body lashed out and wrapped around her.

She opened her eyes, having closed them, finding herself in a random alley she didn't recognize.

She looked around.

"What the hell?" She asked herself before pulling her mask down but felt something shift.

She grabbed the card slipped into it and looked at it, it was a piece of black paper with the words. 

'I highly advise you to accept our proposal, you have one year to contact us again. Your's truly, Kurogiri.'.

She read it before crumpling it up and leaving the ball of paper in the alley.


"Yo Izu!" She greeted seeing him walk down a street near her with a deadpan face.

"Yo Izu!" She greeted seeing him walk down a street near her with a deadpan face

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