-Boom goes the firework-

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"I didn't expect for it to end up like this." A drop of sweat ran down the side of Kuroka's head as she watched what remained of what was once a firework shop, ashes blasted across her face and clothes, hair jagged back from the blast. "How did it even end up like this?"


"Come on Momo, you need to try one, your rich girl taste buds will thank you!" Kuroka said, it was only ten minutes since they left the school grounds and she had already spent some of her money on some street food.

It looked like fried squid rings stabbed onto a stick with some sort of spicy  sauce on it, holding one stick, having bitten a piece off and holding it to Momo.

"I don't know, I never eat anything like this."

"You need lipids for your quirk yeah? This is filled with it, it was fried, come on, you ain't scared of dead sea food are ya?" She poked her with the pointed end of the stick. "Don't let some fishy thing defeat you now."

"Oh how you.... Give it here!" She tore it from her hand and bit a piece off. "Hmmm." She took a second bite.

"Told you it was nice!" Kurkoa grinned, letting the other, now beaming, girl keep the food. "Come on, what are we gonna do today? It is nice to hang don't get me wrong but yeah, bored."

"For now lets just window shop yeah? I read that some new things came in town."


"Come on."

"Urgh! Fine we start with that but I'll show you something after!"


"No it was later in the day."


"HEY IDIOTS!!" Kuroka waved as she saw Kaminari, Eijiro and Mina in town, both girls having snuck passed Izuku earlier, neither wanting to be stuck in a rant about the new delux figurine he was staring at.


"Oh yeah we met the idiots."


"Yo! Look at what we bought!" Kaminari pointed at the ground.

"What is that?" Momo asked, looking at the white toy tank looking thing but it had two cannons on the front.

"What is that?! It is White Tiger!! The hero of the newest comic of course!!" Mina yelled.

Kuroka and Momo exchanged a look before looking back at the group.

"And what does this White Tiger toy do?" Kuroka asked as she watched Eijiro drive the small tank around.

"Lets show you!" Kaminari picked it off the ground and loaded a finger sized paper tube in the cannons and put it down.

Eijiro aimed it down the empty road and clicked a button, a hissss was heard before the little firework shot of from the upwards aimed cannon and exploded with noise.

"This is so childish to waste your money on." Momo said.

"You tell me? You wanted to buy a rubber duck dressed as Mount-Lady earlier."

"I will remind you it is a collectors item." She defended herself, face red under Kuroka's amused gaze.

"Sure.... Hey guys let me drive it a bit, Momo and I'll head off after that, I spent the whole day being dragged around cloth shopping, amma show her simple fun instead of complicated boring things." She did grabby hands towards the remote control.

When she got her hands on it she realized there was quite a few imputes possible and the ones she thought would move the tank moved the cannons instead, pointing them down.

"These are the ones that move it." Eijiro pointed at the buttons while she was wondering why she couldn't use her quirk in public and how much easier it would be with the metal components in the toy.

"Neat..." She drove it in circles. "Is this the firework button?" She asked but pressed it anyway.

With everyone she watched the little rocket launch out but since it was aimed at the ground it skittered across it and with a bump was deviated into a shop.

They all silently looked up at the shop name, the idiot trio very aware that the firework just went inside the shop they brought it from.


"Oh yeah." She sighed, her mind catching up to her after the shock of setting off the firework shop with a stupid mistake called White Tiger.

She glanced at her companions, seeing them all in the same state.

"WHO THE FUCK?!!" Came the owner's angered scream which snapped her mind back in place fully.

"Fuck!!" She grabbed Momo's arm and bolted, running at her own top speed, to get away from there.

She glanced back seeing a seven foot long arm reach out of the shop and grab Kaminari by the ear and pulling him in.


When they stopped, Kuroka had ran down to the beach, which was not far, having easily made the distance with her speed in less then ten minutes.

Tho Momo was out of breath, Kuroka herself was not.

"I.... Told you.... Childish..." Momo said, catching her breath, hunched over, hands on her knees.

"That was not what I planned." Kuroka said, rubbing the ash off her face before making a 'pfffff' sound and starting to laugh.

Despite not knowing what the ex-villain was laughing it didn't stop the laughter from being contagious, leading Momo to also start laughing.

Kuroka stopped laughing first, smiling, liking the sound she was hearing, like bells in the wing.

"Being a hero might be worth it." She thought, smiling at the classmate.

(Yeeeeaaaah this reads like another fillet chapter and I am sorry, I just got this idea when I wrote last chapter and I absolutely wanted to write it.)

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