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"Please answer our questions! We heard U.A. caught the hero killer Razor-blade you must know who they are, only 1-A students would be put up to it." An irk mark formed on Kuroka's forehead.

"LOOK YOU FLAT BRAINED MU--" A hand wrapped around her mouth.

"Lets just get moving will we?!"

She yelled through the hand, shaking her fist at the crowd of journalists until the U.A. metal gate slammed shut.

"You quite bold, grabbing me like that." She said, shrugging the hand away from her body. "Momo."

"I noticed you call Midoriya by his name but I guess you call everyone by theirs." The spiky pony tailed girl said.

"And? Is there something with it?!"

"No no!" She quickly waved it off with both her hands. "Just making an observation here Kinzoku."

"You can call me by name too, I don't care for these formalities of first name or last name."

"Oh alright! Lets walk together Kuroka!" Kuroka was yanked along, the other girl grabbing her hand this time.

She stared at their hands before looking away, biting her cheek on the inside.


She leaned back in her seat, a foot kicked on top of the table, even Tenya, the rule maniac, let the former villain do her thing, not fancying her anger be directed at him.

"Hope you rested from yesterday's battle training." She sat up normally, head in her hand as Aizawa dropped a pile of paper on his desk. "Honestly it is not a surprise she wiped the floor with you guys but I expected better and again Bakugou... Stop and act your age, if it wasn't for Kinzoku you could have severely injured or killed some of your teammates."

She grinned at the boy's anger.

"Today we'll do another test."


"Don't act surprised, I told all of you the first day this won't be fun and games, this is the hero course, for the foundational skill of heroics we'll study today it was decided you'll be supervised by a three-man team comprising me, All Might and somebody else."

"Sensei! What will we be doing!?" Sero yelled out.

"Be the hero everyone needs, whether it's a flood or any other disaster." That hit her hard, hand curling into a fist, thinking of the hero she would have needed that night. "It's the trial of rescue!!"

Chatter picked up in the class.

"Don't get ahead of yourselves." That shut them up. "As I was saying, this time, it's entirely up to each of you whether or not you wear your costume. Some of your costumes probably aren't adapted to the task at hand after all. The training area is fairly far away, so we'll get there by bus. That's all. Go get prepared."


"Hey why do you always wear that visor?" Momo asked, being the nearest locker to Kuroka, the other girls still a bit nervous around her.

"It is special to me." She said, tying the buckles of her costume that were fixing the metallic pieces to her boots. "I never part from it."

"It's cool."

"Thanks, it even had a purpose, not just to look cool." She hit her fist on the blueish green glass twice. "Bullet proof, some of my attacks can get hard to control so a piece or two of metal scraps can go flying so this keeps me from being blinded that one time it will be aimed at my eyes when I lose control of it."

"That's so neat, I have a simple costume only as you can see tho it reminds me of something I've seen before."

"I'll let you think about it."

"Can't you give me a hint?"

"No can do." She grinned. "But I'll tell you if you guess right."


She sat next to Izuku in the bus as it drove off, watching Tenya despair over some seating arrangement she didn't care for.

She looked outside the window, drowning out the conversation until a certain point.

She plugged her ears with her fingers, making Izuku shake his head at her.


"AMAZING!! IS THIS U.S.J. OR SOMETHI--" She slapped Izuku on the back of the head.

"Don't yell someone is trying to speak." Kuroka told him.

"Flood wrecks." Thirteen said as if Izuku hadn't just been yelling. " Landslides, fires, etc, etc.... This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters, and its name is the ultimate space for jams!"

Kuroka looked at the dome building, she too had heard of it even as a villain.

"I am certain you're all already quite aware but my quirk is called 'black hole' no matter what material may get sucked into its vortex, I'm afraid it will turn into dust."

"Now that's a quirk that's perfect for removing wreckage and saving people injured by disasters!" Izuku added.

"Yes.... It is however, a power that could also easily be used to kill people and in that way, it's no different from quirks of everyone here." Kuroka felt gazes burn her back. "Naturally in this society of superhumans, quirks are strictly regulated, and the requirements for their lawful use enforced. we can tell at a glance that that is the make-up of this world. That being said, please don't forget that each of you possesses a quirk that can go awry. One wrong step is all it takes to be able to kill others accidentally." This time she was the one to turn her gaze to Katsuki. "And during All Might's and Kinzoku's trial of battle I think you took away a true sense of the danger of brandishing those powers against one another. This lesson will serve as a fresh start! Let's get to studying about how to wield our quirks for the sake of human life! You quirks emphatically do not exist to hurt others! Please leave this exercise having fully understood that your quirk exists to help people! That is all! You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently!" The hero bowed as a few of the classmates shared their support by clapping.

"All right, first thing first." Aizawa started before a 'whoooz' like sound came from further away and everyone one looked at the hole floating down by the fountain, a hand reaching through before a man with his face covered peeked out. "HUDDLE TOGETHER AND DON'T MOVE, N.13 PROTECT THE STUDENTS!!"

"What is that?! Is this like that training pattern at the entrance exam?"


"Kurogiri." Kuroka whispered.

"Ah! Eraser head, No.13 and Razor-blade, nice to met you again." Aizawa shot her a look.

"He tried to recruit me, told him to fuck off." She explained quickly.

"According to the teacher's curriculum we procured Mr. All Might was supposed to be here."

"I knew it was you..." Aizawa whispered.

"Where is he? We went through all this trouble and rustled up so many of us to bring along. You can't tell me All-Might... The symbol of peace.... Isn't here.... I wonder if he'll show up if we kill the kids?"

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