-Break cut short-

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"So... You like it?" Kuroka asked, with her strawberry frappe in front of her.

"Yeah thanks." Momo said, the villain girl didn't feel well at the thought of leaving the other alone as she clearly saw how sad she was from her loss as the sports festival.

"Well do eat, I am paying for it, no questions asked." She pointed at the dark forest cake slice in front of the other girl with a cherry on top.

"I can't let you!"

"You will, you seem so bummed, the least I could do but don't worry, it is good but the prices are not that high, I always came here with Izu and me who didn't have much money could still pay for things." She still had the visors pushed up on her forehead.

"Oh.... Thanks it's nice of you.... Hey weird question but weren't your eyes ruby red? They seem dull."

"Oh thank for saying it." She grabbed her packet of mentos-medicine and threw two in her mouth. "Light reflecting in the metal makes them seem darker and shinier, they are this copper red when it is started to get low."

"Hmm... I'll keep an eye out in case you forget."

"Again.... Thanks, I guess." Kuroka rubbed the back of her neck. "But I can do it myself."

"You didn't have people to rely on did you?"


"Well you always do what you can to protect us even in fights, Midoriya is proof enough but then there was the battle training against you, we got to watch the video of the fight and get critiqued on what we did while you were way from the class so I know you protected us from Bakugou's explosion, even in the sports festival, you fight with no mercy but when Uraraka collapsed you made sure she wouldn't be hurt, catching her even if it might have cost you the win."

"You.... Are observant."

"I need to be, I got to know the molecular make up of things to use my quirk, being observant helps."

"I guess it is in my genes... I know little about my own parents but the people that knew them said they looked out for everyone... And when I was younger when I needed someone to save me there was no one, only Stain, a villain, had anything in his heart to help me."

"That's why you followed his teachings?"

"Yeah, he taught me to survive and punish those undeserving of their title, false heroes, most of them are but I feel like my of 1-A could be good heroes, even you Momo, doesn't matter if you lost or won the fight, what matters is how you act when in face of danger... In the U.S.J. You stood and fought with all your strength, that's what matters, actions when someone needs yours help."

"I guess you are right."

"I know I am.... I haven't apologized for that day. I left you behind, in danger, because at the time all I cared for was Izu's safety."

"It is fine, I should apologies for slapping you."

"I deserve it.... Ey Momo, why do you want to be a hero?"

(I don't know if in canon she ever gave a reason.) "W-well it is a bit selfish."

"Lets hear it."

"To show people my quirk is not as weak as they think it it and to use it to ensure whatever family I have in the future will be safe."

"My mother's quirk was limited, she needed to touch whatever she needed to use her quirk on so it was dangerous, some you consider it weak for that reason, yours is versatile... At the start of the year, I won't lie, I'd have called you a shitty hero but I'd be a hypocrite. I killed false heroes, because they didn't fight to save people by goodness of their heart, and here I am, turning to become on on a similar false motive."

"So... Why did you choose to be a hero."

"Nezu gave me an offer, join the hero course and I won't rot in a prison all my life.... I chose to become a hero and to become number one for one reason.... Purely to show everyone else that a villain can be a better hero then they could ever become."

She sighed through her nose, feeling a bit self-conscious since she was admitting to not only herself but Momo that she was striving to become a false hero.

"Hey." She felt a hand on her own. "Motivations can change, I saw it, I was watching the sludge incident on TV when it happened."

"Oh god, you saw that?" She covered her face, feeling it heat up for a reason she couldn't place.

"I didn't know it was you at the time but now it connects, in that moment you seen to be a true hero. So don't let the past weigh you down."

"Could tell you the sam--" 'BOOM!!'

Both girls looked to the outside before, with a second to spear, Kuroka flipped the metal table up to cover the window before it imploded inwards.

"What was that?" Mom ask but Kuroka couldn't answer, dropping the table.

"I wouldn't know."

As both stepped outside, they saw the whole street torn up.

"Up there!!" Momo pointed up and air, seeing a hero she can't remember the name off, fighting a villain.

Kuroka saw the people scream and run from the scene as the villain made finger guns and mimic shooting something, the car he was aiming at exploded with with a loud noise.

"We need to warn heroes! He doesn't seem to be able to beat him!" Momo called, seeing the Hero whip water around but the explosive pointing of the villain evaporated it in a second, creating more debris.

"What?! We need to help!!" Kuroka's upper arm was grabbed, stopped from going further.

"We don't have provision licences Kuroka!! We cannot!!"

"Then at least help with evacuation or something!! We can't let this happen!! Shit!! We are hero students or not!!"

"We'll help but we can't interfere, the hero would risk more then what is risked for now."

"Fine." She hissed.


Kuroka felt useless as the explosions kept going off, ushering people out of the shop, carrying an older man that got a piece of glass stabbed into his upper thigh in her arms with ease as Momo tried to calm the panicked crowd.

"You'll fucking be fine!!" Kuroka yelled at them. "We are from the hero course, if needed we can protect you!!" And somehow was did reassure them a little.

She set the older man in a relatively safer area, far from where the two were fighting and despite what the two girls agreed on she didn't see Momo anywhere.

"You liar about not helping." She hissed. "One of you call another hero!!" She yelled, running back where they came from.

It was not hard to find Momo again, she was trying to help two other men lift a heavy piece of rubble off the back of a woman trapped there while a little girl was crying.

And she saw the stray shot of the villain further away miss the hero but hit a building.

And the building tilted over the street, casting a shadow over the little group as it started to fall.

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