-Hero Killer: Stain-

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The dust settled and the little girl looked up from the tight hold her mother had on her.

"Leave... Fast." Kuroka hissed, intercepting the new Nomu's hit, not looking like the one at the U.S.J., this one was tall but thinner tho it had muscle and only two eyes on its exposed brain and no bird beak-mouth, it had nothing on its face, its arms were longer then normal human but it was strong.

And soon the rabbit hero had kicked it away.

"What is a Nomu doing here?" Kuroka whispered before her phone pinged.

She looked at it and it was a group message to the class from Izuku with nothing but an address.

"Kuroka!!" She picked her head up. "You can use your quirk!! Don't let the cops or other heroes say you don't have your provisional we need all the help we can get!! Now help with evacuation!!"

"Got it!"

She turned to the family still behind her.

"Go hide in the shop and lay low." The mother ran as she looked back at her phone than at the hero battling the Nomu before seeing one fly overhead.

Something clicked in her head.

"Oh no..." She breathed out and ran off as fast as she could.


"You've got yourself some nice pals, haven't you Ingenium?" Stain said holding the knife that unfortunately Shoto didn't avoid. "Now that none of you lets get this over wit--" "BACK OF ROT FACE!!"

He barely jumped back to avoid the boot, passing just in front of his face before it slammed into the ground.

"You..." He hissed.


She stood between the downed people and her former master.

"It is disappoint that you turned against me Kuroka, but worst of all... You are playing hero? You who don't believe in heroes?"

"I changed career paths." She said, lifting her arms. "And you sensei, attacked my best friend and his friends, I can't let you get away with it."

"Be careful Kuro! He has a quirk to do with blood!"

"Oh I know Izu, I know, he left that scar on my face.... AND HE'LL REGRET IT!!!" She launched from her position, swinging her leg in a kick, making him use his arm to block it.

Tho he tried, his arm got kicked down and with the momentum she spun on herself and kicked the back of his head, letting her quirk yank the two blades he was holding out of his hold and fling one out in the street, grabbing the second.

"Why.... Why, Why you three... Please stop... I inherited my brother's name, I'm the one who has to do it! That man I... I'm the one who..."

"Who what? Kill Stain? Look Tenya you might not like me because of my association with this man but you cannot go down this path.... And please, I 'inherited' my title hero killer from that man too but I am not him, the Ingenium Izu rambled on never would have acted like this so grow up and be who you are meant to be!" She ran at Stain, clashing blades with him. "A fucking hero!"

She slashed him but he headbutted her, making her stumble.

"KURO!!" She grasped at the pain the shot through her stomach and instantly grabbed whatever piece of sword she could and tore it with her quirk while jumping back.

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