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"Are you sure she even wants to be found?" Tenya, in a disguise, asked.

"Affirmative." Fumikage nodded. "That's not something you say unless you are threatened and want to be helped."

"Kuro was a villain once." Izuku added. "But she would never pull something like this unless she has a really good reason for and a threat could be enough." He finished, all of them in disguise along with Shoto, Momo, Eijiro, the six of them walking in a group, trying to act differently while following the tracked device on Momo's phone. 

"I don't get it, they both hate each other." Eijiro said.

"Yes but a hero puts their hate aside to help another.... Kuro could have very well just joined them to keep Kacchan safe... She might not show it but she cares for us all.... There is a thing all heroes have in common, something everyone feels once.... Their body moving before they could think, Kuro is an embodiment of that, even when she knew none of us she jumped in to protect us from Kacchan's blast instead of saving only herself."


"It may be sudden but... Aspiring hero, Bakugou Katsuki.... Won't you become one of my comrades?" Shigaraki asked a chained Katsuki, Kuroka sitting on the bar near Katsuki without it seeming strange, for all the villains knew her quirk needed closeness to work.

"Spare me your shit and die." Kuroka wanted to slap Katsuki, she had just told him a few minutes earlier to play along and now she was forced to act on her own safety with all the other villains around.

She looked around, not listening as she had actually heard the hand-man repeat this speech to himself twice and she found it pathetic, glancing at all the other villains, trying to assess their strength and weaknesses, the one that scared her the most was the man with black hair and scars of a deep purple, that Dabi guy, he was way to calm.

"--blade.... Razor-blade!!"

"What?!" She barked, breaking from her thoughts.

"Remove his bindings." Shigaraki said, pointing at Katsuki.

"They are easy to unlock and I am tired, do it yourself."

"Then Dabi, you do it."

"What? This guy's going to go ballistic you know?" The one with the scars said.

"It's okay, we have to treat him as an equal. We're scouting him out, after all. Besides... He should be able to tell from the current situation that he has no possibility of winning if he goes off here, right, U.A. Student?"

"Twice, free him." Dabi said.

"What? Me?! No thanks!" But the masked villain still did it.

"I apologize for taking such a forceful approach with you... However please understand that we're not just a group of hoodlums endeavoring to perpetrate evil acts." Mister compress spoke. "We didn't just casually decide to abduct you. Everyone here has different circumstances, but people, rules, heroes, we're all shackled by them. You too... You should underst--"'BOOOM!!!'

"You idiot!" Kuroka hissed as the dust cleared.

"I stayed quiet and listened to you blabering on and on.... Idiots don't know how to summarize things so they go on forever. Basically 'we want to make people hate us, so join us please!' Right?! It's pointless!! I've been won over by the way All Might looks when he wins. You all can say what you want but nothing can change my mind about that.... U.A and the teachers, you heard what they said."

A Heroic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now